From 46df17685af268167033707c11797c5124a57241 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alice BRENON <> Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2023 20:49:40 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add a script to serialize syntax trees computed from the .conllu files, copying part of the Conllu.Type types in the process to get a Generic instance for Serialization and to slightly improve structure by indexing features by name with a Map --- lib/haskell/Conllu/Tree.hs | 119 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ lib/haskell/System/Script.hs | 4 +- scripts/textometry/serialiseSyntax.hs | 58 +++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 lib/haskell/Conllu/Tree.hs create mode 100755 scripts/textometry/serialiseSyntax.hs diff --git a/lib/haskell/Conllu/Tree.hs b/lib/haskell/Conllu/Tree.hs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a67b37 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/haskell/Conllu/Tree.hs @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, DeriveGeneric, ExplicitNamespaces, TypeFamilies #-} +module Conllu.Tree + ( Syntax + , syntax ) where + +import qualified Conllu.Type as Conllu (AW, CW(..), ID(..), FORM, LEMMA, XPOS, MISC, Rel(..), Sent(..), Index, Feat(..)) +import qualified Conllu.UposTagset as Conllu (POS) +import qualified Conllu.DeprelTagset as Conllu (EP) +import Data.List (partition) +import Data.Map as Map (Map, empty, insert) +import Data.Serialize (Serialize(..)) +import Data.Tree (Forest, Tree(..)) +import GHC.Generics (Generic(..), K1(..), Rec0) + +data ID = + SID Conllu.Index + | MID Conllu.Index Conllu.Index + | EID Conllu.Index Conllu.Index + deriving (Show, Generic) + +instance Serialize ID + +newtype POS = POS Conllu.POS deriving Show +instance Generic POS where + type Rep POS = Rec0 Int + + from (POS c) = K1 (fromEnum c) + + to (K1 i) = POS (toEnum i) + +instance Serialize POS + +data Feat = Feat + { _values :: [String] + , _type :: Maybe String } deriving (Show, Generic) + +instance Serialize Feat + +newtype EP = EP Conllu.EP deriving Show +instance Generic EP where + type Rep EP = Rec0 Int + + from (EP c) = K1 (fromEnum c) + + to (K1 i) = EP (toEnum i) + +instance Serialize EP + +data Rel = Rel + { _head :: ID + , _deprel :: EP + , _subdep :: Maybe String + , _rest :: Maybe [String] } deriving (Show, Generic) + +instance Serialize Rel + +type FEATS = Map String Feat + +data IndexedWord = IndexedWord + { _id :: ID + , _form :: Conllu.FORM + , _lemma :: Conllu.LEMMA + , _upos :: Maybe POS + , _xpos :: Conllu.XPOS + , _feats :: FEATS + , _rel :: Maybe Rel + , _deps :: [Rel] + , _misc :: Conllu.MISC } deriving (Show, Generic) + +instance Serialize IndexedWord + +type Syntax = Forest IndexedWord + +getSID :: Conllu.ID -> Maybe Int +getSID (Conllu.SID n) = Just n +getSID _ = Nothing + +idOfConllu :: Conllu.ID -> ID +idOfConllu (Conllu.SID i) = SID i +idOfConllu (Conllu.MID i j) = MID i j +idOfConllu (Conllu.EID i j) = EID i j + +featsOfConllu :: [Conllu.Feat] -> FEATS +featsOfConllu = foldr indexFeat Map.empty + where + indexFeat feat = + Map.insert + (Conllu._feat feat) + (Feat {_values = Conllu._featValues feat, _type = Conllu._featType feat}) + +relOfConllu :: Conllu.Rel -> Rel +relOfConllu rel = Rel + { _head = idOfConllu $ Conllu._head rel + , _deprel = EP $ Conllu._deprel rel + , _subdep = Conllu._subdep rel + , _rest = Conllu._rest rel } + +indexWord :: Conllu.CW Conllu.AW -> IndexedWord +indexWord cw = IndexedWord + { _id = idOfConllu $ Conllu._id cw + , _form = Conllu._form cw + , _lemma = Conllu._lemma cw + , _upos = POS <$> Conllu._upos cw + , _xpos = Conllu._xpos cw + , _feats = featsOfConllu $ Conllu._feats cw + , _rel = relOfConllu <$> Conllu._rel cw + , _deps = relOfConllu <$> Conllu._deps cw + , _misc = Conllu._misc cw } + +syntax :: Conllu.Sent -> Syntax +syntax = build 0 . Conllu._words + where + build n cws = + let (pointing, others) = partition (pointingTo n) cws in + recurseOn others <$> pointing + recurseOn cws cw = Node + { rootLabel = indexWord cw, subForest = maybe [] (`build` cws) $ getSID (Conllu._id cw) } + pointingTo n cw = maybe False (n ==) (getSID . Conllu._head =<< Conllu._rel cw) + diff --git a/lib/haskell/System/Script.hs b/lib/haskell/System/Script.hs index d71f3b6..115ebe0 100644 --- a/lib/haskell/System/Script.hs +++ b/lib/haskell/System/Script.hs @@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ syntax s = do try :: MonadIO m => m (Either String a) -> m a try = (>>= either (liftIO . die) pure) -warn :: String -> IO () -warn = hPutStrLn stderr +warn :: MonadIO m => String -> m () +warn = liftIO . hPutStrLn stderr diff --git a/scripts/textometry/serialiseSyntax.hs b/scripts/textometry/serialiseSyntax.hs new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2e0175e --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/textometry/serialiseSyntax.hs @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env -S runhaskell --ghc-arg="-Wall" --ghc-arg="-i lib/haskell" + +{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, ExplicitNamespaces, TypeFamilies #-} +import Conllu.Parse (parseConllu) +import Conllu.Tree (syntax) +import Control.Applicative ((<**>)) +import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) +import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, asks, runReaderT) +import Data.ByteString as ByteString (writeFile) +import Data.Serialize (encode) +import GEODE.Metadata ( ArticleRecord, Record(..) , readNamedTsv ) +import Options.Applicative + ( Parser, execParser, fullDesc, help, helper, info, long, metavar, progDesc + , short, strOption ) +import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing) +import System.FilePath ((</>), takeDirectory) +import System.Script (try, warn) + +data Config = Config + { inputRoot :: FilePath + , inputTsv :: FilePath + , outputRoot :: FilePath } + +configParser :: Parser Config +configParser = Config + <$> strOption rootOption + <*> strOption tsvOption + <*> strOption outputOption + where + rootOption = short 'r' <> long "root" <> metavar "CONLLU_DIRECTORY" + <> help "path to the base directory containing the syntax annotations" + tsvOption = short 'i' <> long "input" <> metavar "INPUT_TSV" + <> help "TSV file containing the article records to process" + outputOption = short 'o' <> long "output" <> metavar "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY" + <> help "Root directory where to create the trees" + +getConfig :: IO Config +getConfig = execParser + (info + (configParser <**> helper) + (fullDesc + <> progDesc "A textometric tool to draw discursive profiles")) + +toTree :: (MonadReader Config m, MonadIO m) => ArticleRecord -> m () +toTree articleRecord = do + path <- asks ((</> relativePath articleRecord "conllu") . inputRoot) + liftIO (readFile path) >>= either warn convert . parseConllu path + where + convert doc = do + path <- asks ((</> relativePath articleRecord "tree") . outputRoot) + liftIO $ do + createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path) + ByteString.writeFile path . encode $ syntax =<< doc + +main :: IO () +main = getConfig >>= runReaderT chain + where + chain = try (asks inputTsv >>= liftIO . readNamedTsv) >>= mapM_ toTree -- GitLab