#!/usr/bin/env python3
from BERT import Classifier
import pandas
from Corpus import corpus
from sys import argv

def label(classify, source, name='label'):
    Make predictions on a set of document

    Positional arguments
    :param classify: an instance of the Classifier class
    :param source: an instance of the Corpus class

    Keyword arguments
    :param name: defaults to 'label' — the name of the column to be created, that is
    to say, the name of the category you are predicting with your model (if your
    model labels in "Red", "Green", or "Blue", you may want to use

    :return: a panda dataframe containing the records from the input TSV file plus
    an additional column
    records = pandas.DataFrame(source.get_all('key'))
    records[name] = classify(source.get_all('content'))
    return records

if __name__ == '__main__':
    classify = Classifier(argv[1])
    source = corpus(argv[2])
    label(classify, source).to_csv(argv[3], sep='\t', index=False)