diff --git a/notebooks/Predict_LGE.ipynb b/notebooks/Predict_LGE.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc8acc99c592ed4ccea04c33197d0542d2352002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/Predict_LGE.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,3010 @@
+  "cells": [
+    {
+      "cell_type": "markdown",
+      "metadata": {},
+      "source": [
+        "# BERT Predict classification\n",
+        "\n",
+        "## 1. Setup the environment\n",
+        "\n",
+        "### 1.1 Setup colab environment\n",
+        "\n",
+        "#### 1.1.1 Install packages"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": null,
+      "metadata": {
+        "colab": {
+          "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+        },
+        "id": "pwmZ5bBvgGNh",
+        "outputId": "fce0a8bf-1779-4079-c7ac-200ebb2678c5"
+      },
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "!pip install transformers==4.10.3\n",
+        "!pip install sentencepiece"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "markdown",
+      "metadata": {},
+      "source": [
+        "#### 1.1.2 Use more RAM"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": null,
+      "metadata": {
+        "colab": {
+          "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+        },
+        "id": "WF0qFN_g3ekz",
+        "outputId": "f3a5f049-24ee-418f-fe5e-84c633234ad8"
+      },
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "from psutil import virtual_memory\n",
+        "ram_gb = virtual_memory().total / 1e9\n",
+        "print('Your runtime has {:.1f} gigabytes of available RAM\\n'.format(ram_gb))\n",
+        "\n",
+        "if ram_gb < 20:\n",
+        "  print('Not using a high-RAM runtime')\n",
+        "else:\n",
+        "  print('You are using a high-RAM runtime!')"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "markdown",
+      "metadata": {},
+      "source": [
+        "#### 1.1.3 Mount GoogleDrive"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": null,
+      "metadata": {
+        "colab": {
+          "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+        },
+        "id": "vL0S-s9Uofvn",
+        "outputId": "4b7efa4d-7f09-4c8e-bc98-99e6099ede32"
+      },
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "from google.colab import drive\n",
+        "drive.mount('/content/drive')"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "markdown",
+      "metadata": {
+        "id": "8hzEGHl7gmzk"
+      },
+      "source": [
+        "### 1.2 Setup GPU"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 1,
+      "metadata": {
+        "colab": {
+          "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+        },
+        "id": "dPOU-Efhf4ui",
+        "outputId": "121dd21e-f98c-483d-d6d1-2838f732a4e2"
+      },
+      "outputs": [
+        {
+          "name": "stdout",
+          "output_type": "stream",
+          "text": [
+            "We will use the GPU\n"
+          ]
+        }
+      ],
+      "source": [
+        "import torch\n",
+        "\n",
+        "# If there's a GPU available...\n",
+        "if torch.cuda.is_available():    \n",
+        "    # Tell PyTorch to use the GPU.    \n",
+        "    device = torch.device(\"cuda\")\n",
+        "    print('There are %d GPU(s) available.' % torch.cuda.device_count())\n",
+        "    print('We will use the GPU:', torch.cuda.get_device_name(0))\n",
+        "\n",
+        "# for MacOS\n",
+        "elif torch.backends.mps.is_available() and torch.backends.mps.is_built():\n",
+        "    device = torch.device(\"mps\")\n",
+        "    print('We will use the GPU')\n",
+        "else:\n",
+        "    device = torch.device(\"cpu\")\n",
+        "    print('No GPU available, using the CPU instead.')"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "markdown",
+      "metadata": {
+        "id": "wSqbrupGMc1M"
+      },
+      "source": [
+        "### 1.3 Import librairies"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 2,
+      "metadata": {
+        "id": "SkErnwgMMbRj"
+      },
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "import pandas as pd \n",
+        "import numpy as np\n",
+        "\n",
+        "from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertForSequenceClassification, CamembertTokenizer, CamembertForSequenceClassification\n",
+        "from torch.utils.data import TensorDataset, DataLoader, SequentialSampler"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "markdown",
+      "metadata": {
+        "id": "c5QKcXulhNJ-"
+      },
+      "source": [
+        "## 2. Load Data"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 3,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "#path = \"drive/MyDrive/Classification-EDdA/\"\n",
+        "path = \"../\""
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": null,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "!wget https://projet.liris.cnrs.fr/geode/files/datasets/EDdA/Classification/LGE_withContent.tsv"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 4,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "df_LGE = pd.read_csv(path + \"data/LGE_withContent.tsv\", sep=\"\\t\")\n",
+        "data_LGE = df_LGE[\"content\"].values"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 5,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [
+        {
+          "data": {
+            "text/html": [
+              "<div>\n",
+              "<style scoped>\n",
+              "    .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
+              "        vertical-align: middle;\n",
+              "    }\n",
+              "\n",
+              "    .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
+              "        vertical-align: top;\n",
+              "    }\n",
+              "\n",
+              "    .dataframe thead th {\n",
+              "        text-align: right;\n",
+              "    }\n",
+              "</style>\n",
+              "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
+              "  <thead>\n",
+              "    <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
+              "      <th></th>\n",
+              "      <th>id</th>\n",
+              "      <th>tome</th>\n",
+              "      <th>rank</th>\n",
+              "      <th>domain</th>\n",
+              "      <th>remark</th>\n",
+              "      <th>content</th>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "  </thead>\n",
+              "  <tbody>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>0</th>\n",
+              "      <td>abrabeses-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>623</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ABRABESES. Village d’Espagne de la prov. de Za...</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>1</th>\n",
+              "      <td>accius-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1076</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ACCIUS, L. ou L. ATTIUS (170-94 av. J.-C.), po...</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>2</th>\n",
+              "      <td>achenbach-2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1357</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ACHENBACH(Henri), administrateur prussien, né ...</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>3</th>\n",
+              "      <td>acireale-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1513</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ACIREALE. Yille de Sicile, de la province et d...</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>4</th>\n",
+              "      <td>actée-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1731</td>\n",
+              "      <td>botany</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ACTÉE(Actœa L.). Genre de plantes de la famill...</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "  </tbody>\n",
+              "</table>\n",
+              "</div>"
+            ],
+            "text/plain": [
+              "            id  tome  rank     domain remark  \\\n",
+              "0  abrabeses-0     1   623  geography    NaN   \n",
+              "1     accius-0     1  1076  biography    NaN   \n",
+              "2  achenbach-2     1  1357  biography    NaN   \n",
+              "3   acireale-0     1  1513  geography    NaN   \n",
+              "4      actée-0     1  1731     botany    NaN   \n",
+              "\n",
+              "                                             content  \n",
+              "0  ABRABESES. Village d’Espagne de la prov. de Za...  \n",
+              "1  ACCIUS, L. ou L. ATTIUS (170-94 av. J.-C.), po...  \n",
+              "2  ACHENBACH(Henri), administrateur prussien, né ...  \n",
+              "3  ACIREALE. Yille de Sicile, de la province et d...  \n",
+              "4  ACTÉE(Actœa L.). Genre de plantes de la famill...  "
+            ]
+          },
+          "execution_count": 5,
+          "metadata": {},
+          "output_type": "execute_result"
+        }
+      ],
+      "source": [
+        "df_LGE.head()"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 6,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [
+        {
+          "data": {
+            "text/plain": [
+              "(310, 6)"
+            ]
+          },
+          "execution_count": 6,
+          "metadata": {},
+          "output_type": "execute_result"
+        }
+      ],
+      "source": [
+        "df_LGE.shape"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "markdown",
+      "metadata": {},
+      "source": [
+        "## 3. Load model and predict\n",
+        "\n",
+        "### 3.1 BERT / CamemBERT"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 14,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "model_name = \"bert-base-multilingual-cased\"\n",
+        "#model_name = \"camembert-base\"\n",
+        "model_path = path + \"models/model_\" + model_name + \"_s10000.pt\""
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 15,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "def generate_dataloader(tokenizer, sentences, batch_size = 8, max_len = 512):\n",
+        "\n",
+        "    # Tokenize all of the sentences and map the tokens to thier word IDs.\n",
+        "    input_ids_test = []\n",
+        "    # For every sentence...\n",
+        "    for sent in sentences:\n",
+        "        # `encode` will:\n",
+        "        #   (1) Tokenize the sentence.\n",
+        "        #   (2) Prepend the `[CLS]` token to the start.\n",
+        "        #   (3) Append the `[SEP]` token to the end.\n",
+        "        #   (4) Map tokens to their IDs.\n",
+        "        encoded_sent = tokenizer.encode(\n",
+        "                            sent,                      # Sentence to encode.\n",
+        "                            add_special_tokens = True, # Add '[CLS]' and '[SEP]'\n",
+        "                            # This function also supports truncation and conversion\n",
+        "                            # to pytorch tensors, but I need to do padding, so I\n",
+        "                            # can't use these features.\n",
+        "                            #max_length = max_len,          # Truncate all sentences.\n",
+        "                            #return_tensors = 'pt',     # Return pytorch tensors.\n",
+        "                    )\n",
+        "        input_ids_test.append(encoded_sent)\n",
+        "\n",
+        "    # Pad our input tokens\n",
+        "    padded_test = []\n",
+        "    for i in input_ids_test:\n",
+        "        if len(i) > max_len:\n",
+        "            padded_test.extend([i[:max_len]])\n",
+        "        else:\n",
+        "            padded_test.extend([i + [0] * (max_len - len(i))])\n",
+        "    input_ids_test = np.array(padded_test)\n",
+        "\n",
+        "    # Create attention masks\n",
+        "    attention_masks = []\n",
+        "\n",
+        "    # Create a mask of 1s for each token followed by 0s for padding\n",
+        "    for seq in input_ids_test:\n",
+        "        seq_mask = [float(i>0) for i in seq]\n",
+        "        attention_masks.append(seq_mask)\n",
+        "\n",
+        "    # Convert to tensors.\n",
+        "    inputs = torch.tensor(input_ids_test)\n",
+        "    masks = torch.tensor(attention_masks)\n",
+        "    #set batch size\n",
+        "\n",
+        "    # Create the DataLoader.\n",
+        "    data = TensorDataset(inputs, masks)\n",
+        "    prediction_sampler = SequentialSampler(data)\n",
+        "\n",
+        "    return DataLoader(data, sampler=prediction_sampler, batch_size=batch_size)\n",
+        "\n",
+        "\n",
+        "\n",
+        "def predict(model, dataloader, device):\n",
+        "\n",
+        "    # Put model in evaluation mode\n",
+        "    model.eval()\n",
+        "\n",
+        "    # Tracking variables\n",
+        "    predictions_test , true_labels = [], []\n",
+        "    pred_labels_ = []\n",
+        "    # Predict\n",
+        "    for batch in dataloader:\n",
+        "    # Add batch to GPU\n",
+        "        batch = tuple(t.to(device) for t in batch)\n",
+        "\n",
+        "        # Unpack the inputs from the dataloader\n",
+        "        b_input_ids, b_input_mask = batch\n",
+        "\n",
+        "        # Telling the model not to compute or store gradients, saving memory and\n",
+        "        # speeding up prediction\n",
+        "        with torch.no_grad():\n",
+        "            # Forward pass, calculate logit predictions\n",
+        "            outputs = model(b_input_ids, token_type_ids=None,\n",
+        "                            attention_mask=b_input_mask)\n",
+        "\n",
+        "        logits = outputs[0]\n",
+        "        #print(logits)\n",
+        "\n",
+        "        # Move logits and labels to CPU ???\n",
+        "        logits = logits.detach().cpu().numpy()\n",
+        "        #print(logits)\n",
+        "\n",
+        "        # Store predictions and true labels\n",
+        "        predictions_test.append(logits)\n",
+        "\n",
+        "        pred_labels = []\n",
+        "        \n",
+        "        for i in range(len(predictions_test)):\n",
+        "            # The predictions for this batch are a 2-column ndarray (one column for \"0\"\n",
+        "            # and one column for \"1\"). Pick the label with the highest value and turn this\n",
+        "            # in to a list of 0s and 1s.\n",
+        "            pred_labels_i = np.argmax(predictions_test[i], axis=1).flatten()\n",
+        "            pred_labels.append(pred_labels_i)\n",
+        "\n",
+        "    pred_labels_ += [item for sublist in pred_labels for item in sublist]\n",
+        "    return pred_labels_"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 16,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [
+        {
+          "name": "stdout",
+          "output_type": "stream",
+          "text": [
+            "Loading Bert Tokenizer...\n"
+          ]
+        }
+      ],
+      "source": [
+        "if model_name == 'bert-base-multilingual-cased' :\n",
+        "    print('Loading Bert Tokenizer...')\n",
+        "    tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)\n",
+        "elif model_name == 'camembert-base':\n",
+        "    print('Loading Camembert Tokenizer...')\n",
+        "    tokenizer = CamembertTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 17,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [
+        {
+          "name": "stderr",
+          "output_type": "stream",
+          "text": [
+            "Token indices sequence length is longer than the specified maximum sequence length for this model (1204 > 512). Running this sequence through the model will result in indexing errors\n"
+          ]
+        }
+      ],
+      "source": [
+        "data_loader = generate_dataloader(tokenizer, data_LGE)"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "markdown",
+      "metadata": {},
+      "source": [
+        "\n",
+        "https://discuss.huggingface.co/t/an-efficient-way-of-loading-a-model-that-was-saved-with-torch-save/9814\n",
+        "\n",
+        "https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/issues/2094\n"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 18,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "#model = torch.load(model_path, map_location=torch.device('mps'))\n",
+        "#model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path, map_location=torch.device('mps')))\n",
+        "\n",
+        "model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_path).to(\"mps\") #.to(\"cuda\")"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 19,
+      "metadata": {
+        "colab": {
+          "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+        },
+        "id": "_fzgS5USJeAF",
+        "outputId": "be4a5506-76ed-4eef-bb3c-fe2bb77c6e4d"
+      },
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "pred = predict(model, data_loader, device)"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 20,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [
+        {
+          "data": {
+            "text/plain": [
+              "[15,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 10,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 19,\n",
+              " 35,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 26,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 2,\n",
+              " 2,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 32,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 30,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 32,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 35,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 23,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 3,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 4,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 19,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 35,\n",
+              " 3,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 28,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 10,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 32,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 12,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 18,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 35,\n",
+              " 26,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 35,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 2,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 23,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 35,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 32,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 23,\n",
+              " 36,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 35,\n",
+              " 3,\n",
+              " 3,\n",
+              " 3,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 2,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 10,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 35,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 28,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 21,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 1,\n",
+              " 7,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 23,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 0,\n",
+              " 10,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 3,\n",
+              " 3,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 36,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 12,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 4,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 26,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 32,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 10,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 26,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 26,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 35,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 12,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 28,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 10,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 35,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 29,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 31,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 3,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 2,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 28,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 10,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 3,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 2,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 28,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 6,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 32,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 2,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 17,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 35,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 35,\n",
+              " 16,\n",
+              " 28,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 5,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 15,\n",
+              " 19,\n",
+              " 15]"
+            ]
+          },
+          "execution_count": 20,
+          "metadata": {},
+          "output_type": "execute_result"
+        }
+      ],
+      "source": [
+        "pred"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 22,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "import pickle \n",
+        "encoder_filename = \"models/label_encoder.pkl\"\n",
+        "with open(path+encoder_filename, 'rb') as file:\n",
+        "      encoder = pickle.load(file)"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 23,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "p2 = list(encoder.inverse_transform(pred))"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 24,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "df_LGE['class_bert'] = p2"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 26,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [
+        {
+          "data": {
+            "text/html": [
+              "<div>\n",
+              "<style scoped>\n",
+              "    .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
+              "        vertical-align: middle;\n",
+              "    }\n",
+              "\n",
+              "    .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
+              "        vertical-align: top;\n",
+              "    }\n",
+              "\n",
+              "    .dataframe thead th {\n",
+              "        text-align: right;\n",
+              "    }\n",
+              "</style>\n",
+              "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
+              "  <thead>\n",
+              "    <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
+              "      <th></th>\n",
+              "      <th>id</th>\n",
+              "      <th>tome</th>\n",
+              "      <th>rank</th>\n",
+              "      <th>domain</th>\n",
+              "      <th>remark</th>\n",
+              "      <th>content</th>\n",
+              "      <th>class_bert</th>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "  </thead>\n",
+              "  <tbody>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>0</th>\n",
+              "      <td>abrabeses-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>623</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ABRABESES. Village d’Espagne de la prov. de Za...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>1</th>\n",
+              "      <td>accius-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1076</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ACCIUS, L. ou L. ATTIUS (170-94 av. J.-C.), po...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Belles-lettres - Poésie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>2</th>\n",
+              "      <td>achenbach-2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1357</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ACHENBACH(Henri), administrateur prussien, né ...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>3</th>\n",
+              "      <td>acireale-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1513</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ACIREALE. Yille de Sicile, de la province et d...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>4</th>\n",
+              "      <td>actée-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1731</td>\n",
+              "      <td>botany</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ACTÉE(Actœa L.). Genre de plantes de la famill...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire naturelle</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>5</th>\n",
+              "      <td>adulteration-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2197</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>cross reference</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ADULTERATION. Altération d’un médicament, d’un...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Chimie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>6</th>\n",
+              "      <td>aérides-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2334</td>\n",
+              "      <td>botany</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>AÉRIDES{Aérides Lour.). Genres de plantes de l...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire naturelle</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>7</th>\n",
+              "      <td>ager-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2710</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>AGERouAGERIUS (Nicolaus), médecin alsacien, né...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>8</th>\n",
+              "      <td>aigu-1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3160</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>cross reference</td>\n",
+              "      <td>AIGU1 LH E (V. Raimond d’).\\n</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Marine</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>9</th>\n",
+              "      <td>alavika-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3664</td>\n",
+              "      <td>theology</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ALAVIKA« qui est d'Alava »(V. ce mot) : Bhikch...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Religion</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>10</th>\n",
+              "      <td>allassac-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>755</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ALLASSAC. Com. du dép. de la Corrèze, arr. de ...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>11</th>\n",
+              "      <td>allegretto-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>786</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>cross reference</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ALLEGRETTO(V. Allegro).\\n</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Musique</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>12</th>\n",
+              "      <td>alleuze-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>908</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ALLEUZE. Com. du dép. du Cantal, arr. et cant....</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>13</th>\n",
+              "      <td>alliat-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>933</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ALLIAT. Com. du dép. de l’Ariège, arr. de Foix...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>14</th>\n",
+              "      <td>amanty-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1651</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>AMANTY. Corn, du dép. de la Meuse, arr. de Com...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>15</th>\n",
+              "      <td>âmasserah-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1701</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>explicit domain</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ÂMASSERAH, AMASR1 ou AMASRAH (Géogr.). Ville d...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>16</th>\n",
+              "      <td>a-118</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2971</td>\n",
+              "      <td>history</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>AN Cl LIA. Boucliers sacrés des Romains, au no...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Antiquité</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>17</th>\n",
+              "      <td>androclès-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3261</td>\n",
+              "      <td>mythology</td>\n",
+              "      <td>explicit domain</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ANDROCLÈS(Myth.), un fils d’Eole qui régna sur...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Antiquité</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>18</th>\n",
+              "      <td>anfouson-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3394</td>\n",
+              "      <td>zoology</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ANFOUSON. Nom donné à Nice au Néron brun\\n(V. ...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire naturelle</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>19</th>\n",
+              "      <td>anicet-bourgeois-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3717</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ANICET-BOURGEOIS(Auguste Anicet, connu sous le...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Belles-lettres - Poésie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>20</th>\n",
+              "      <td>anomalistique-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3</td>\n",
+              "      <td>238</td>\n",
+              "      <td>astronomy</td>\n",
+              "      <td>explicit domain</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ANOMALISTIQUE(Astron.). On appelle révolution\\...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>21</th>\n",
+              "      <td>anostostome-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3</td>\n",
+              "      <td>298</td>\n",
+              "      <td>zoology</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ANOSTOSTOME(Anostostoma Gray). Genre d’insecte...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire naturelle</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>22</th>\n",
+              "      <td>anthoxanthème-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3</td>\n",
+              "      <td>571</td>\n",
+              "      <td>chemistry</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ANTHOXANTHÈME. L’un des deux principes coloran...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Pharmacie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>23</th>\n",
+              "      <td>aod-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1024</td>\n",
+              "      <td>theology</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>AOD, plus exactement Ehoud. personnage des com...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>24</th>\n",
+              "      <td>aphellan-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1177</td>\n",
+              "      <td>astronomy</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>APHELLAN(Astron.). Un des noms de l’étoile a2 ...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>25</th>\n",
+              "      <td>appelle-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1494</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>APPELLE. Com. du dép. du Tarn, arr. de Lavaux,...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>26</th>\n",
+              "      <td>aragona-1</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1841</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ARAGONA, cardinal d’origine sicilienne, né en ...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Religion</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>27</th>\n",
+              "      <td>araujuzon-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1940</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ARAUJUZON. Com. du dép. des Basses-Pyrénées, a...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>28</th>\n",
+              "      <td>ardant-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2421</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ARDANT(Paul-Joseph), général français, né en 1...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>29</th>\n",
+              "      <td>ariano-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2839</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ARIANOdi Puglia. Ville de la prov. de principa...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>30</th>\n",
+              "      <td>athabaska-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>4</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1118</td>\n",
+              "      <td>anthropology</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ATHABASKA. Col, rivière, lac, territoire et fa...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>31</th>\n",
+              "      <td>aslonnes-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>4</td>\n",
+              "      <td>446</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ASLONNES, corn, du dép. de la Vienne, arr. de ...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>32</th>\n",
+              "      <td>astr0rh1za-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>4</td>\n",
+              "      <td>992</td>\n",
+              "      <td>zoology</td>\n",
+              "      <td>explicit domain</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ASTR0RH1ZA(Zool.).Genre deForaminifèresimperfo...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire naturelle</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>33</th>\n",
+              "      <td>atthidographes-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>4</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1397</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>cross reference</td>\n",
+              "      <td>ATTHIDOGRAPHES(V. Atthide).\\n</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>34</th>\n",
+              "      <td>aubery-2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>4</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1577</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>AUBERY(Antoine;, historien français, né le .18...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>35</th>\n",
+              "      <td>aula-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>4</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1992</td>\n",
+              "      <td>history</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>AULA. Mot latin signifiant cour, lieu découver...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Architecture</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>36</th>\n",
+              "      <td>au-113</td>\n",
+              "      <td>4</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2112</td>\n",
+              "      <td>botany</td>\n",
+              "      <td>explicit domain</td>\n",
+              "      <td>AUNÉE (bot.). L'Aunée, Grande Année, Année off...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire naturelle</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>37</th>\n",
+              "      <td>auriol-4</td>\n",
+              "      <td>4</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2224</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>cross reference</td>\n",
+              "      <td>AURIOL. Nom donné à Marseille au Maquereau (V....</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire naturelle</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>38</th>\n",
+              "      <td>ave-lalleniant-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>4</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2739</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>AVE-LALLENIANT(Robert-Christian-Barthold), méd...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>39</th>\n",
+              "      <td>badin-2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>4</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3857</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>BADIN(Pierre-Adolphe), peintre français, né à ...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Arts et métiers</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>40</th>\n",
+              "      <td>baizieux-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>5</td>\n",
+              "      <td>133</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>BAIZIEUX(Bacium, Basium). Com. du dép. de la\\n...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>41</th>\n",
+              "      <td>balsam1te-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>5</td>\n",
+              "      <td>677</td>\n",
+              "      <td>botany</td>\n",
+              "      <td>explicit domain</td>\n",
+              "      <td>BALSAM1TE(Bot.) (Balsamita Desf.). Genre de Co...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire naturelle</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>42</th>\n",
+              "      <td>balze-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>5</td>\n",
+              "      <td>757</td>\n",
+              "      <td>navy</td>\n",
+              "      <td>explicit domain</td>\n",
+              "      <td>BALZE(Mar.). Radeau delà côte occidentale de l...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Marine</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>43</th>\n",
+              "      <td>bande-2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>5</td>\n",
+              "      <td>880</td>\n",
+              "      <td>history</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>BANDE(Ordre delà) ou de l’ECHARPE.Ordre milita...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>44</th>\n",
+              "      <td>barbosa-5</td>\n",
+              "      <td>5</td>\n",
+              "      <td>1580</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>BARBOSA(Antonio), jésuite et orientaliste port...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Religion</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>45</th>\n",
+              "      <td>bati-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>5</td>\n",
+              "      <td>2955</td>\n",
+              "      <td>architecture</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>BATIÈRE. Toit en forme de bât se terminant à c...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Architecture</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>46</th>\n",
+              "      <td>baveuse-0</td>\n",
+              "      <td>5</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3457</td>\n",
+              "      <td>zoology</td>\n",
+              "      <td>explicit domain</td>\n",
+              "      <td>BAVEUSE(Zool.). Nom vulgaire par lequel les\\np...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire naturelle</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>47</th>\n",
+              "      <td>beard-2</td>\n",
+              "      <td>5</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3728</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>BEARD(James-Henry), peintre américain contempo...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Beaux-arts</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>48</th>\n",
+              "      <td>beaufort-4</td>\n",
+              "      <td>5</td>\n",
+              "      <td>3838</td>\n",
+              "      <td>geography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>BEAUFORT. Com. du dép. de la Meuse, arr. de Mo...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "    <tr>\n",
+              "      <th>49</th>\n",
+              "      <td>beaumont-26</td>\n",
+              "      <td>5</td>\n",
+              "      <td>4018</td>\n",
+              "      <td>biography</td>\n",
+              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
+              "      <td>BEAUMONT(J.-G. Leprevôt de), secrétaire du cle...</td>\n",
+              "      <td>Histoire</td>\n",
+              "    </tr>\n",
+              "  </tbody>\n",
+              "</table>\n",
+              "</div>"
+            ],
+            "text/plain": [
+              "                    id  tome  rank        domain           remark  \\\n",
+              "0          abrabeses-0     1   623     geography              NaN   \n",
+              "1             accius-0     1  1076     biography              NaN   \n",
+              "2          achenbach-2     1  1357     biography              NaN   \n",
+              "3           acireale-0     1  1513     geography              NaN   \n",
+              "4              actée-0     1  1731        botany              NaN   \n",
+              "5       adulteration-0     1  2197           NaN  cross reference   \n",
+              "6            aérides-0     1  2334        botany              NaN   \n",
+              "7               ager-0     1  2710     biography              NaN   \n",
+              "8               aigu-1     1  3160           NaN  cross reference   \n",
+              "9            alavika-0     1  3664      theology              NaN   \n",
+              "10          allassac-0     2   755     geography              NaN   \n",
+              "11        allegretto-0     2   786           NaN  cross reference   \n",
+              "12           alleuze-0     2   908     geography              NaN   \n",
+              "13            alliat-0     2   933     geography              NaN   \n",
+              "14            amanty-0     2  1651     geography              NaN   \n",
+              "15         âmasserah-0     2  1701     geography  explicit domain   \n",
+              "16               a-118     2  2971       history              NaN   \n",
+              "17         androclès-0     2  3261     mythology  explicit domain   \n",
+              "18          anfouson-0     2  3394       zoology              NaN   \n",
+              "19  anicet-bourgeois-0     2  3717     biography              NaN   \n",
+              "20     anomalistique-0     3   238     astronomy  explicit domain   \n",
+              "21       anostostome-0     3   298       zoology              NaN   \n",
+              "22     anthoxanthème-0     3   571     chemistry              NaN   \n",
+              "23               aod-0     3  1024      theology              NaN   \n",
+              "24          aphellan-0     3  1177     astronomy              NaN   \n",
+              "25           appelle-0     3  1494     geography              NaN   \n",
+              "26           aragona-1     3  1841     biography              NaN   \n",
+              "27         araujuzon-0     3  1940     geography              NaN   \n",
+              "28            ardant-0     3  2421     biography              NaN   \n",
+              "29            ariano-0     3  2839     geography              NaN   \n",
+              "30         athabaska-0     4  1118  anthropology              NaN   \n",
+              "31          aslonnes-0     4   446     geography              NaN   \n",
+              "32        astr0rh1za-0     4   992       zoology  explicit domain   \n",
+              "33    atthidographes-0     4  1397           NaN  cross reference   \n",
+              "34            aubery-2     4  1577     biography              NaN   \n",
+              "35              aula-0     4  1992       history              NaN   \n",
+              "36              au-113     4  2112        botany  explicit domain   \n",
+              "37            auriol-4     4  2224           NaN  cross reference   \n",
+              "38    ave-lalleniant-0     4  2739     biography              NaN   \n",
+              "39             badin-2     4  3857     biography              NaN   \n",
+              "40          baizieux-0     5   133     geography              NaN   \n",
+              "41         balsam1te-0     5   677        botany  explicit domain   \n",
+              "42             balze-0     5   757          navy  explicit domain   \n",
+              "43             bande-2     5   880       history              NaN   \n",
+              "44           barbosa-5     5  1580     biography              NaN   \n",
+              "45              bati-0     5  2955  architecture              NaN   \n",
+              "46           baveuse-0     5  3457       zoology  explicit domain   \n",
+              "47             beard-2     5  3728     biography              NaN   \n",
+              "48          beaufort-4     5  3838     geography              NaN   \n",
+              "49         beaumont-26     5  4018     biography              NaN   \n",
+              "\n",
+              "                                              content  \\\n",
+              "0   ABRABESES. Village d’Espagne de la prov. de Za...   \n",
+              "1   ACCIUS, L. ou L. ATTIUS (170-94 av. J.-C.), po...   \n",
+              "2   ACHENBACH(Henri), administrateur prussien, né ...   \n",
+              "3   ACIREALE. Yille de Sicile, de la province et d...   \n",
+              "4   ACTÉE(Actœa L.). Genre de plantes de la famill...   \n",
+              "5   ADULTERATION. Altération d’un médicament, d’un...   \n",
+              "6   AÉRIDES{Aérides Lour.). Genres de plantes de l...   \n",
+              "7   AGERouAGERIUS (Nicolaus), médecin alsacien, né...   \n",
+              "8                       AIGU1 LH E (V. Raimond d’).\\n   \n",
+              "9   ALAVIKA« qui est d'Alava »(V. ce mot) : Bhikch...   \n",
+              "10  ALLASSAC. Com. du dép. de la Corrèze, arr. de ...   \n",
+              "11                          ALLEGRETTO(V. Allegro).\\n   \n",
+              "12  ALLEUZE. Com. du dép. du Cantal, arr. et cant....   \n",
+              "13  ALLIAT. Com. du dép. de l’Ariège, arr. de Foix...   \n",
+              "14  AMANTY. Corn, du dép. de la Meuse, arr. de Com...   \n",
+              "15  ÂMASSERAH, AMASR1 ou AMASRAH (Géogr.). Ville d...   \n",
+              "16  AN Cl LIA. Boucliers sacrés des Romains, au no...   \n",
+              "17  ANDROCLÈS(Myth.), un fils d’Eole qui régna sur...   \n",
+              "18  ANFOUSON. Nom donné à Nice au Néron brun\\n(V. ...   \n",
+              "19  ANICET-BOURGEOIS(Auguste Anicet, connu sous le...   \n",
+              "20  ANOMALISTIQUE(Astron.). On appelle révolution\\...   \n",
+              "21  ANOSTOSTOME(Anostostoma Gray). Genre d’insecte...   \n",
+              "22  ANTHOXANTHÈME. L’un des deux principes coloran...   \n",
+              "23  AOD, plus exactement Ehoud. personnage des com...   \n",
+              "24  APHELLAN(Astron.). Un des noms de l’étoile a2 ...   \n",
+              "25  APPELLE. Com. du dép. du Tarn, arr. de Lavaux,...   \n",
+              "26  ARAGONA, cardinal d’origine sicilienne, né en ...   \n",
+              "27  ARAUJUZON. Com. du dép. des Basses-Pyrénées, a...   \n",
+              "28  ARDANT(Paul-Joseph), général français, né en 1...   \n",
+              "29  ARIANOdi Puglia. Ville de la prov. de principa...   \n",
+              "30  ATHABASKA. Col, rivière, lac, territoire et fa...   \n",
+              "31  ASLONNES, corn, du dép. de la Vienne, arr. de ...   \n",
+              "32  ASTR0RH1ZA(Zool.).Genre deForaminifèresimperfo...   \n",
+              "33                      ATTHIDOGRAPHES(V. Atthide).\\n   \n",
+              "34  AUBERY(Antoine;, historien français, né le .18...   \n",
+              "35  AULA. Mot latin signifiant cour, lieu découver...   \n",
+              "36  AUNÉE (bot.). L'Aunée, Grande Année, Année off...   \n",
+              "37  AURIOL. Nom donné à Marseille au Maquereau (V....   \n",
+              "38  AVE-LALLENIANT(Robert-Christian-Barthold), méd...   \n",
+              "39  BADIN(Pierre-Adolphe), peintre français, né à ...   \n",
+              "40  BAIZIEUX(Bacium, Basium). Com. du dép. de la\\n...   \n",
+              "41  BALSAM1TE(Bot.) (Balsamita Desf.). Genre de Co...   \n",
+              "42  BALZE(Mar.). Radeau delà côte occidentale de l...   \n",
+              "43  BANDE(Ordre delà) ou de l’ECHARPE.Ordre milita...   \n",
+              "44  BARBOSA(Antonio), jésuite et orientaliste port...   \n",
+              "45  BATIÈRE. Toit en forme de bât se terminant à c...   \n",
+              "46  BAVEUSE(Zool.). Nom vulgaire par lequel les\\np...   \n",
+              "47  BEARD(James-Henry), peintre américain contempo...   \n",
+              "48  BEAUFORT. Com. du dép. de la Meuse, arr. de Mo...   \n",
+              "49  BEAUMONT(J.-G. Leprevôt de), secrétaire du cle...   \n",
+              "\n",
+              "                                     class_bert  \n",
+              "0                                    Géographie  \n",
+              "1                       Belles-lettres - Poésie  \n",
+              "2                                      Histoire  \n",
+              "3                                    Géographie  \n",
+              "4                            Histoire naturelle  \n",
+              "5                                        Chimie  \n",
+              "6                            Histoire naturelle  \n",
+              "7                                      Histoire  \n",
+              "8                                        Marine  \n",
+              "9                                      Religion  \n",
+              "10                                   Géographie  \n",
+              "11                                      Musique  \n",
+              "12                                   Géographie  \n",
+              "13                                   Géographie  \n",
+              "14                                   Géographie  \n",
+              "15                                   Géographie  \n",
+              "16                                    Antiquité  \n",
+              "17                                    Antiquité  \n",
+              "18                           Histoire naturelle  \n",
+              "19                      Belles-lettres - Poésie  \n",
+              "20  Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]  \n",
+              "21                           Histoire naturelle  \n",
+              "22                                    Pharmacie  \n",
+              "23                                     Histoire  \n",
+              "24  Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]  \n",
+              "25                                   Géographie  \n",
+              "26                                     Religion  \n",
+              "27                                   Géographie  \n",
+              "28              Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme  \n",
+              "29                                   Géographie  \n",
+              "30                                   Géographie  \n",
+              "31                                   Géographie  \n",
+              "32                           Histoire naturelle  \n",
+              "33                                   Géographie  \n",
+              "34                                     Histoire  \n",
+              "35                                 Architecture  \n",
+              "36                           Histoire naturelle  \n",
+              "37                           Histoire naturelle  \n",
+              "38                                     Histoire  \n",
+              "39                              Arts et métiers  \n",
+              "40                                   Géographie  \n",
+              "41                           Histoire naturelle  \n",
+              "42                                       Marine  \n",
+              "43                                     Histoire  \n",
+              "44                                     Religion  \n",
+              "45                                 Architecture  \n",
+              "46                           Histoire naturelle  \n",
+              "47                                   Beaux-arts  \n",
+              "48                                   Géographie  \n",
+              "49                                     Histoire  "
+            ]
+          },
+          "execution_count": 26,
+          "metadata": {},
+          "output_type": "execute_result"
+        }
+      ],
+      "source": [
+        "df_LGE.head(50)"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": 27,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": [
+        "df_LGE.to_csv(path + \"reports/classification_LGE.tsv\", sep=\"\\t\")"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "cell_type": "code",
+      "execution_count": null,
+      "metadata": {},
+      "outputs": [],
+      "source": []
+    }
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