diff --git a/notebooks/Classification_Zero-Shot-Learning.ipynb b/notebooks/Classification_Zero-Shot-Learning.ipynb
index 4a7ab888a7f66428cc6e486d2b1668d3636fa511..d3dd9c87c5cdeafed2bc2a4121eb91b1ab4f5f3f 100644
--- a/notebooks/Classification_Zero-Shot-Learning.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/Classification_Zero-Shot-Learning.ipynb
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 1,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {
         "id": "bcptSr6o3ac7"
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 4,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
       "outputs": [],
       "source": [
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 18,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {
         "colab": {
           "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
@@ -166,170 +166,7 @@
         "id": "LRKJzWmf3pCg",
         "outputId": "686c3ef4-8267-4266-95af-7193725aadca"
-      "outputs": [
-        {
-          "data": {
-            "text/html": [
-              "<div>\n",
-              "<style scoped>\n",
-              "    .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
-              "        vertical-align: middle;\n",
-              "    }\n",
-              "\n",
-              "    .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
-              "        vertical-align: top;\n",
-              "    }\n",
-              "\n",
-              "    .dataframe thead th {\n",
-              "        text-align: right;\n",
-              "    }\n",
-              "</style>\n",
-              "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
-              "  <thead>\n",
-              "    <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
-              "      <th></th>\n",
-              "      <th>volume</th>\n",
-              "      <th>numero</th>\n",
-              "      <th>head</th>\n",
-              "      <th>normClass</th>\n",
-              "      <th>classEDdA</th>\n",
-              "      <th>author</th>\n",
-              "      <th>id_enccre</th>\n",
-              "      <th>domaine_enccre</th>\n",
-              "      <th>ensemble_domaine_enccre</th>\n",
-              "      <th>content</th>\n",
-              "      <th>contentWithoutClass</th>\n",
-              "      <th>firstParagraph</th>\n",
-              "      <th>nb_word</th>\n",
-              "    </tr>\n",
-              "  </thead>\n",
-              "  <tbody>\n",
-              "    <tr>\n",
-              "      <th>0</th>\n",
-              "      <td>11</td>\n",
-              "      <td>2973</td>\n",
-              "      <td>ORNIS</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Commerce</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Comm.</td>\n",
-              "      <td>unsigned</td>\n",
-              "      <td>v11-1767-0</td>\n",
-              "      <td>commerce</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Commerce</td>\n",
-              "      <td>ORNIS, s. m. toile des Indes, (Comm.) sortes d...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>ORNIS, s. m. toile des Indes, () sortes de\\nto...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>ORNIS, s. m. toile des Indes, () sortes de\\nto...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>45</td>\n",
-              "    </tr>\n",
-              "    <tr>\n",
-              "      <th>1</th>\n",
-              "      <td>3</td>\n",
-              "      <td>3525</td>\n",
-              "      <td>COMPRENDRE</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Philosophie</td>\n",
-              "      <td>terme de Philosophie,</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Diderot</td>\n",
-              "      <td>v3-1722-0</td>\n",
-              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
-              "      <td>NaN</td>\n",
-              "      <td>* COMPRENDRE, v. act. terme de Philosophie,\\nc...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>* COMPRENDRE, v. act. \\nc'est appercevoir la l...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>* COMPRENDRE, v. act. \\nc'est appercevoir la l...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>92</td>\n",
-              "    </tr>\n",
-              "    <tr>\n",
-              "      <th>2</th>\n",
-              "      <td>1</td>\n",
-              "      <td>2560</td>\n",
-              "      <td>ANCRE</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Marine</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Marine</td>\n",
-              "      <td>d'Alembert &amp; Diderot</td>\n",
-              "      <td>v1-1865-0</td>\n",
-              "      <td>marine</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Marine</td>\n",
-              "      <td>ANCRE, s. f. (Marine.) est un instrument de fe...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>ANCRE, s. f. (.) est un instrument de fer\\nABC...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>ANCRE, s. f. (.) est un instrument de fer\\nABC...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>3327</td>\n",
-              "    </tr>\n",
-              "    <tr>\n",
-              "      <th>3</th>\n",
-              "      <td>16</td>\n",
-              "      <td>4241</td>\n",
-              "      <td>VAKEBARO</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Géographie moderne</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Géog. mod.</td>\n",
-              "      <td>unsigned</td>\n",
-              "      <td>v16-2587-0</td>\n",
-              "      <td>géographie</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Géographie</td>\n",
-              "      <td>VAKEBARO, (Géog. mod.) vallée du royaume\\nd'Es...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>VAKEBARO, () vallée du royaume\\nd'Espagne dans...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>VAKEBARO, () vallée du royaume\\nd'Espagne dans...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>34</td>\n",
-              "    </tr>\n",
-              "    <tr>\n",
-              "      <th>4</th>\n",
-              "      <td>8</td>\n",
-              "      <td>3281</td>\n",
-              "      <td>INSPECTEUR</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Histoire ancienne</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Hist. anc.</td>\n",
-              "      <td>unsigned</td>\n",
-              "      <td>v8-2533-0</td>\n",
-              "      <td>histoire</td>\n",
-              "      <td>Histoire</td>\n",
-              "      <td>INSPECTEUR, s. m. inspector ; (Hist. anc.) cel...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>INSPECTEUR, s. m. inspector ; () celui \\nà qui...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>INSPECTEUR, s. m. inspector ; () celui \\nà qui...</td>\n",
-              "      <td>102</td>\n",
-              "    </tr>\n",
-              "  </tbody>\n",
-              "</table>\n",
-              "</div>"
-            ],
-            "text/plain": [
-              "   volume  numero        head           normClass              classEDdA  \\\n",
-              "0      11    2973       ORNIS            Commerce                  Comm.   \n",
-              "1       3    3525  COMPRENDRE         Philosophie  terme de Philosophie,   \n",
-              "2       1    2560       ANCRE              Marine                 Marine   \n",
-              "3      16    4241    VAKEBARO  Géographie moderne             Géog. mod.   \n",
-              "4       8    3281  INSPECTEUR   Histoire ancienne             Hist. anc.   \n",
-              "\n",
-              "                 author   id_enccre domaine_enccre ensemble_domaine_enccre  \\\n",
-              "0              unsigned  v11-1767-0       commerce                Commerce   \n",
-              "1               Diderot   v3-1722-0            NaN                     NaN   \n",
-              "2  d'Alembert & Diderot   v1-1865-0         marine                  Marine   \n",
-              "3              unsigned  v16-2587-0     géographie              Géographie   \n",
-              "4              unsigned   v8-2533-0       histoire                Histoire   \n",
-              "\n",
-              "                                             content  \\\n",
-              "0  ORNIS, s. m. toile des Indes, (Comm.) sortes d...   \n",
-              "1  * COMPRENDRE, v. act. terme de Philosophie,\\nc...   \n",
-              "2  ANCRE, s. f. (Marine.) est un instrument de fe...   \n",
-              "3  VAKEBARO, (Géog. mod.) vallée du royaume\\nd'Es...   \n",
-              "4  INSPECTEUR, s. m. inspector ; (Hist. anc.) cel...   \n",
-              "\n",
-              "                                 contentWithoutClass  \\\n",
-              "0  ORNIS, s. m. toile des Indes, () sortes de\\nto...   \n",
-              "1  * COMPRENDRE, v. act. \\nc'est appercevoir la l...   \n",
-              "2  ANCRE, s. f. (.) est un instrument de fer\\nABC...   \n",
-              "3  VAKEBARO, () vallée du royaume\\nd'Espagne dans...   \n",
-              "4  INSPECTEUR, s. m. inspector ; () celui \\nà qui...   \n",
-              "\n",
-              "                                      firstParagraph  nb_word  \n",
-              "0  ORNIS, s. m. toile des Indes, () sortes de\\nto...       45  \n",
-              "1  * COMPRENDRE, v. act. \\nc'est appercevoir la l...       92  \n",
-              "2  ANCRE, s. f. (.) est un instrument de fer\\nABC...     3327  \n",
-              "3  VAKEBARO, () vallée du royaume\\nd'Espagne dans...       34  \n",
-              "4  INSPECTEUR, s. m. inspector ; () celui \\nà qui...      102  "
-            ]
-          },
-          "execution_count": 18,
-          "metadata": {},
-          "output_type": "execute_result"
-        }
-      ],
+      "outputs": [],
       "source": [
         "df = pd.read_csv(input_path + test_set_path, sep=\"\\t\")\n",
@@ -337,27 +174,16 @@
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 19,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
-      "outputs": [
-        {
-          "data": {
-            "text/plain": [
-              "(15854, 13)"
-            ]
-          },
-          "execution_count": 19,
-          "metadata": {},
-          "output_type": "execute_result"
-        }
-      ],
+      "outputs": [],
       "source": [
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 20,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
       "outputs": [],
       "source": [
@@ -368,7 +194,7 @@
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 22,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
       "outputs": [],
       "source": [
@@ -377,77 +203,18 @@
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 23,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
-      "outputs": [
-        {
-          "data": {
-            "text/plain": [
-              "(13441, 13)"
-            ]
-          },
-          "execution_count": 23,
-          "metadata": {},
-          "output_type": "execute_result"
-        }
-      ],
+      "outputs": [],
       "source": [
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 32,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
-      "outputs": [
-        {
-          "data": {
-            "text/plain": [
-              "['Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Economie domestique',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Beaux-arts',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Philosophie',\n",
-              " 'Arts et métiers',\n",
-              " 'Pharmacie',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Pêche',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Musique',\n",
-              " 'Jeu',\n",
-              " 'Caractères',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Maréchage - Manège',\n",
-              " 'Chimie',\n",
-              " 'Blason',\n",
-              " 'Chasse',\n",
-              " 'Mathématiques',\n",
-              " 'Médailles',\n",
-              " 'Superstition',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Mesure',\n",
-              " 'Monnaie',\n",
-              " 'Minéralogie',\n",
-              " 'Politique',\n",
-              " 'Spectacle']"
-            ]
-          },
-          "execution_count": 32,
-          "metadata": {},
-          "output_type": "execute_result"
-        }
-      ],
+      "outputs": [],
       "source": [
         "classes = df[column_class].unique().tolist()\n",
@@ -471,80 +238,9 @@
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 30,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
-      "outputs": [
-        {
-          "data": {
-            "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
-              "model_id": "e5a45c55993f47019fbdc0aceda84def",
-              "version_major": 2,
-              "version_minor": 0
-            },
-            "text/plain": [
-              "Downloading:   0%|          | 0.00/899k [00:00<?, ?B/s]"
-            ]
-          },
-          "metadata": {},
-          "output_type": "display_data"
-        },
-        {
-          "data": {
-            "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
-              "model_id": "a7285f3fe7154920a0bb05fdb921d6f9",
-              "version_major": 2,
-              "version_minor": 0
-            },
-            "text/plain": [
-              "Downloading:   0%|          | 0.00/456k [00:00<?, ?B/s]"
-            ]
-          },
-          "metadata": {},
-          "output_type": "display_data"
-        },
-        {
-          "data": {
-            "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
-              "model_id": "0cb38fe0e7934c49bbce246e88dd6e53",
-              "version_major": 2,
-              "version_minor": 0
-            },
-            "text/plain": [
-              "Downloading:   0%|          | 0.00/26.0 [00:00<?, ?B/s]"
-            ]
-          },
-          "metadata": {},
-          "output_type": "display_data"
-        },
-        {
-          "data": {
-            "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
-              "model_id": "2c9dd205446a4b25848f1f06beeac8ae",
-              "version_major": 2,
-              "version_minor": 0
-            },
-            "text/plain": [
-              "Downloading:   0%|          | 0.00/1.15k [00:00<?, ?B/s]"
-            ]
-          },
-          "metadata": {},
-          "output_type": "display_data"
-        },
-        {
-          "data": {
-            "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
-              "model_id": "032334b5310d4588993b7d85329d916c",
-              "version_major": 2,
-              "version_minor": 0
-            },
-            "text/plain": [
-              "Downloading:   0%|          | 0.00/1.63G [00:00<?, ?B/s]"
-            ]
-          },
-          "metadata": {},
-          "output_type": "display_data"
-        }
-      ],
+      "outputs": [],
       "source": [
         "# load model pretrained on MNLI\n",
         "tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained('facebook/bart-large-mnli')\n",
@@ -583,7 +279,7 @@
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 48,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
       "outputs": [],
       "source": [
@@ -638,84 +334,18 @@
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 49,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
-      "outputs": [
-        {
-          "data": {
-            "text/plain": [
-              "\"ORNIS, s. m. toile des Indes, (Comm.) sortes de\\ntoiles de coton ou de mousseline, qui se font a Brampour ville de l'Indoustan, entre Surate & Agra. Ces\\ntoiles sont par bandes, moitié coton & moitié or &\\nargent. Il y en a depuis quinze jusqu'à vingt aunes.\""
-            ]
-          },
-          "execution_count": 49,
-          "metadata": {},
-          "output_type": "execute_result"
-        }
-      ],
+      "outputs": [],
       "source": [
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 50,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
-      "outputs": [
-        {
-          "name": "stdout",
-          "output_type": "stream",
-          "text": [
-            "The hypothesis with the highest score is: \"Commerce\" with a probability of 70.05%\n"
-          ]
-        },
-        {
-          "data": {
-            "text/plain": [
-              "[('Commerce', 70.05109786987305),\n",
-              " ('Anatomie', 68.73835921287537),\n",
-              " ('Politique', 60.711854696273804),\n",
-              " ('Géographie', 59.15616154670715),\n",
-              " ('Architecture', 58.7415874004364),\n",
-              " ('Histoire', 57.4596107006073),\n",
-              " ('Agriculture - Economie rustique', 53.530728816986084),\n",
-              " ('Histoire naturelle', 48.45908284187317),\n",
-              " ('Antiquité', 46.68468534946442),\n",
-              " ('Beaux-arts', 42.85620450973511),\n",
-              " ('Mesure', 41.310253739356995),\n",
-              " ('Jeu', 41.221246123313904),\n",
-              " ('Droit - Jurisprudence', 41.13341271877289),\n",
-              " ('Minéralogie', 38.13730478286743),\n",
-              " ('Spectacle', 37.80337870121002),\n",
-              " ('Pêche', 37.214699387550354),\n",
-              " ('Superstition', 36.72800958156586),\n",
-              " ('Arts et métiers', 36.512187123298645),\n",
-              " ('Métiers', 36.505624651908875),\n",
-              " ('Monnaie', 35.89847385883331),\n",
-              " ('Musique', 32.74992108345032),\n",
-              " ('Mathématiques', 32.70103633403778),\n",
-              " ('Chasse', 29.351988434791565),\n",
-              " ('Economie domestique', 28.34642231464386),\n",
-              " ('Philosophie', 27.653351426124573),\n",
-              " ('Chimie', 25.783848762512207),\n",
-              " ('Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]', 25.403589010238647),\n",
-              " ('Médailles', 24.586908519268036),\n",
-              " ('Grammaire', 22.362521290779114),\n",
-              " ('Caractères', 20.14842927455902),\n",
-              " ('Pharmacie', 19.72046047449112),\n",
-              " ('Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme', 19.68255490064621),\n",
-              " ('Médecine - Chirurgie', 18.616029620170593),\n",
-              " ('Marine', 18.207980692386627),\n",
-              " ('Belles-lettres - Poésie', 13.30692172050476),\n",
-              " ('Blason', 10.476682335138321),\n",
-              " ('Religion', 9.701979160308838),\n",
-              " ('Maréchage - Manège', 4.211422428488731)]"
-            ]
-          },
-          "execution_count": 50,
-          "metadata": {},
-          "output_type": "execute_result"
-        }
-      ],
+      "outputs": [],
       "source": [
         "premise = df[column_text].tolist()[0]\n",
@@ -732,27 +362,16 @@
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 51,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
-      "outputs": [
-        {
-          "data": {
-            "text/plain": [
-              "'Commerce'"
-            ]
-          },
-          "execution_count": 51,
-          "metadata": {},
-          "output_type": "execute_result"
-        }
-      ],
+      "outputs": [],
       "source": [
       "cell_type": "code",
-      "execution_count": 52,
+      "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
       "outputs": [],
       "source": [
@@ -771,1018 +390,7 @@
       "cell_type": "code",
       "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
-      "outputs": [
-        {
-          "data": {
-            "text/plain": [
-              "['Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Economie domestique',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Beaux-arts',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Philosophie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Arts et métiers',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Pharmacie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Pêche',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Musique',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Jeu',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Caractères',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Maréchage - Manège',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Chimie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Blason',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Blason',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Philosophie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Chasse',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Mathématiques',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Philosophie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Philosophie',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Médailles',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Superstition',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Beaux-arts',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Chasse',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Chasse',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Blason',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Musique',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Pharmacie',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Jeu',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Mathématiques',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Chimie',\n",
-              " 'Blason',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Arts et métiers',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Beaux-arts',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Economie domestique',\n",
-              " 'Blason',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Maréchage - Manège',\n",
-              " 'Pharmacie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Chimie',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Mesure',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Arts et métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Mathématiques',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Musique',\n",
-              " 'Chasse',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Chasse',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Mathématiques',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Mathématiques',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Blason',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Musique',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Maréchage - Manège',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Chasse',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Monnaie',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Jeu',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Philosophie',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Arts et métiers',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Mathématiques',\n",
-              " 'Pêche',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Musique',\n",
-              " 'Monnaie',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Arts et métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Mathématiques',\n",
-              " 'Beaux-arts',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Minéralogie',\n",
-              " 'Maréchage - Manège',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Blason',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Maréchage - Manège',\n",
-              " 'Caractères',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Philosophie',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Arts et métiers',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Philosophie',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Musique',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Arts et métiers',\n",
-              " 'Maréchage - Manège',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Musique',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Politique',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Monnaie',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Chimie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Pharmacie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Arts et métiers',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Pharmacie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Maréchage - Manège',\n",
-              " 'Jeu',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Chimie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Politique',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Maréchage - Manège',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Musique',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Musique',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Mesure',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Musique',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Blason',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Economie domestique',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Mathématiques',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Chimie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Jeu',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Musique',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Pêche',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Chasse',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Philosophie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Chasse',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Chasse',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Chimie',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Mathématiques',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Chasse',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Anatomie',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Musique',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Superstition',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Pharmacie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire',\n",
-              " 'Architecture',\n",
-              " 'Physique - [Sciences physico-mathématiques]',\n",
-              " 'Philosophie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Religion',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Grammaire',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Mathématiques',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Caractères',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Belles-lettres - Poésie',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Maréchage - Manège',\n",
-              " 'Economie domestique',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Commerce',\n",
-              " 'Beaux-arts',\n",
-              " 'Mathématiques',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Antiquité',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Histoire naturelle',\n",
-              " 'Médecine - Chirurgie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Droit - Jurisprudence',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Militaire (Art) - Guerre - Arme',\n",
-              " 'Chasse',\n",
-              " 'Marine',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Agriculture - Economie rustique',\n",
-              " 'Métiers',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " 'Géographie',\n",
-              " ...]"
-            ]
-          },
-          "execution_count": 40,
-          "metadata": {},
-          "output_type": "execute_result"
-        }
-      ],
+      "outputs": [],
       "source": [
         "true_labels = df[column_class].tolist()"