diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 36c1958189b6c33067c543ea0d276f4a435cc069..b538a923c48b28bf7a62cfac6e47b092286e43a3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -31,8 +31,9 @@ For normal traffic generation, we used multiple virtual machine that were suppos
 ## 2. Attack scenarios
 As for the attack scenarios, we used a botnet composed of multiple VMs controlled by a Kali virtual machine. This botnet was able to launch a variety of network attacks on the local server described above. These attacks included the following: HTTP GET flood, HTTP POST flood, ICMP flood, TCP SYN flood, UDP flood, Port scanning and Brute force.
 ## 3. Data capture
-To capture the network trafic in our environment, we used a flow capture tool called CICFlowmeter.
+To capture the network trafic in our environment, we used Wireshark tool to record the network data in pcap format and used a flow capture tool called CICFlowmeter.
+![Alt text](image.png)
 ## Graph modeling 
@@ -67,3 +68,22 @@ Creative Commons Attribution. CC BY 4.0 Deed Attribution 4.0 International.
 ## Project status
+\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{}}             & \textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Realistic network\\ environment\end{tabular}} & \textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Realistic network\\ traffic\end{tabular}} & \textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}IoT traffic\\ included\end{tabular}} & \textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Various attack\\ scenarios\end{tabular}} & \textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Network\\ Flows\end{tabular}} & \textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Labelled\\ data\end{tabular}} \\ \hline
+\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{DARPA98 \cite{lee1998data}} }      & \checkmark                                                                                & \xmark                                                                            & F                                                                       & T                                                                           & F                                                                & T                                                                \\ \hline
+\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{KDD99 \cite{lee1998data}}}       & \checkmark                                                                                & \xmark                                                                            & F                                                                       & T                                                                           & F                                                                & T                                                                \\ \hline
+\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{DEFCON \cite{sharafaldin2018toward}} }     & F                                                                                & F                                                                            & F                                                                       & T                                                                           & F                                                                & F                                                                \\ \hline
+\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{LBNL \cite{sharafaldin2018toward}}}        & F                                                                                & T                                                                            & F                                                                       & T                                                                           & F                                                                & F                                                                \\ \hline
+\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{CAIDA \cite{caida}}}       & T                                                                                & T                                                                            & F                                                                       & F                                                                           & F                                                                & F                                                                \\ \hline
+\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{UNSW-NB15 \cite{moustafa2015unsw}}}   & T                                                                                & T                                                                            & F                                                                       & T                                                                           & F                                                                & T                                                                \\ \hline
+\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{CIC-IDS2017 \cite{yulianto2019improving}}} & T                                                                                & T                                                                            & F                                                                       & T                                                                           & T                                                                & T                                                                \\ \hline
+\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Bot-IoT \cite{koroniotis2019towards}}}     & T                                                                                & T                                                                            & T*                                                                      & T                                                                           & F                                                                & T                                                                \\ \hline
+\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{TON-IoT \cite{moustafa2021new}} }    & T                                                                                & T                                                                            & T**                                                                     & T                                                                           & F                                                                & T                                                                \\ \hline
+\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{GRASEC-IoT}} & T                                                                                & T                                                                            & T***                                                                    & T                                                                           & T                                                                & T                                                                \\ \hline
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