diff --git a/Code/Seg/BSTools/bsdetectionwidget.cpp b/Code/Seg/BSTools/bsdetectionwidget.cpp
index 026c152cbeca8b83f561c854579cbc4bdc5173eb..06f0acf65c7f63a0582ec86c7fb1592ebc85979c 100755
--- a/Code/Seg/BSTools/bsdetectionwidget.cpp
+++ b/Code/Seg/BSTools/bsdetectionwidget.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ BSDetectionWidget::BSDetectionWidget (QWidget *parent)
   // Sets display parameters
   selectionColor = Qt::red;
   bsColor = Qt::blue;
+  //bsHighColor = Qt::black;
   bsHighColor = Qt::yellow;
   bsPointsVisible = true;
   boundColor = Qt::green;
@@ -510,9 +511,9 @@ void BSDetectionWidget::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event)
         extract ();
         nbdettrials = detector.countOfTrials ();
         nbmaxdettrials = 0;
-        cout << detector.getBlurredSegments().size ()
-             << " blurred segments detected on "
-             << nbdettrials << " essais " << endl;
+//        cout << detector.getBlurredSegments().size ()
+//             << " blurred segments detected on "
+//             << nbdettrials << " essais " << endl;
@@ -591,11 +592,22 @@ void BSDetectionWidget::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event)
     case Qt::Key_R :
-      // Tunes the automatic detection grid resolution
-      detector.setAutoGridResolution (detector.getAutoGridResolution () +
-        (event->modifiers () & Qt::ShiftModifier ? -1 : 1));
-      cout << "Auto grid resolution = "
-           << detector.getAutoGridResolution () << " pixels" << endl;
+      if (event->modifiers () & Qt::ControlModifier)
+      {
+        // Switches the occupancy mask dilation modality
+        gMap->switchMaskDilation ();
+        extract ();
+        cout << "Occupancy mask dilation : "
+             << (gMap->isMaskDilationOn () ? "on" : "off") << endl;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        // Tunes the automatic detection grid resolution
+        detector.setAutoGridResolution (detector.getAutoGridResolution () +
+          (event->modifiers () & Qt::ShiftModifier ? -1 : 1));
+        cout << "Auto grid resolution = "
+             << detector.getAutoGridResolution () << " pixels" << endl;
+      }
     case Qt::Key_S :
@@ -933,13 +945,25 @@ void BSDetectionWidget::displayDetectionResult ()
   vector<BlurredSegment *> bss = detector.getBlurredSegments ();
   if (! bss.empty ())
+//    cout << bss.size () << " blurred segments detected" << endl;
+//    double bsw = 0.;
+//    int bsc = 0;
     vector<BlurredSegment *>::const_iterator it = bss.begin ();
     while (it != bss.end ())
+//      if ((*it) != NULL)
+//      {
+//        DigitalStraightSegment *dss = (*it)->getSegment ();
+//        bsc++;
+//        if (dss == NULL) cout << "DSS null" << endl;
+//        else bsw += dss->width () / (double) dss->period ();
+//      }
       drawBlurredSegment (painter, *it, nbmaxdettrials == 0 ||
                           (*it == bss.back () && detector.isLastTrialOk ()));
+//    cout << bsc << " effective blurred segments" << endl;
+//    if (bsc != 0) cout << "Mean width is " << bsw / bsc << endl;
     drawBlurredSegment (painter, detector.getBlurredSegment ());
diff --git a/Code/Seg/ImageTools/vmap.cpp b/Code/Seg/ImageTools/vmap.cpp
index a4b85a29d85d6ce1b2d9483a7189497ea77acec0..26a82eeb64b6646289bc22cdf01c9271a8b7ffc3 100755
--- a/Code/Seg/ImageTools/vmap.cpp
+++ b/Code/Seg/ImageTools/vmap.cpp
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ VMap::VMap (int width, int height, int *data, int type)
   mask = new bool[width * height];
   for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) mask[i] = false;
   masking = false;
+  maskDilationOn = true;
   angleThreshold = NEAR_SQ_ANGLE;
   orientedGradient = false;
@@ -222,6 +223,7 @@ VMap::VMap (int width, int height, int **data, int type)
   mask = new bool[width * height];
   for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) mask[i] = false;
   masking = false;
+  maskDilationOn = true;
   angleThreshold = NEAR_SQ_ANGLE;
   orientedGradient = false;
@@ -700,5 +702,23 @@ void VMap::setMask (const vector<Pt2i> &pts)
     Pt2i pt = *it++;
     mask[pt.y () * width + pt.x ()] = true;
+    if (maskDilationOn)
+    {
+      int x = pt.x (), y = pt.y ();
+      if (x > 0)
+      {
+        mask[y * width + x - 1] = true;
+        if (y > 0) mask[(y - 1) * width + x - 1] = true;
+        if (y + 1 < height) mask[(y + 1) * width + x - 1] = true;
+      }
+      if (x + 1 < width)
+      {
+        mask[y * width + x + 1] = true;
+        if (y > 0) mask[(y - 1) * width + x + 1] = true;
+        if (y + 1 < height) mask[(y + 1) * width + x + 1] = true;
+      }
+      if (y > 0) mask[(y - 1) * width + x] = true;
+      if (y + 1 < height) mask[(y + 1) * width + x] = true;
+    }
diff --git a/Code/Seg/ImageTools/vmap.h b/Code/Seg/ImageTools/vmap.h
index 6e4d4829e36558286e6404ca683890073142abec..9f76483762724814589a9ce3e8ef25990a59c086 100755
--- a/Code/Seg/ImageTools/vmap.h
+++ b/Code/Seg/ImageTools/vmap.h
@@ -253,14 +253,24 @@ public:
   void setMask (const vector<Pt2i> &pts);
-   * \brief Sets mask activation on or off
+   * \brief Sets mask activation on or off.
    * @param status Required activation status.
   inline void setMasking (bool status) { masking = status; }
-   * \brief Sets mask activation on or off
-   * @param status Required activation status.
+   * \brief Retuns the mask dilation modality.
+   */
+  inline bool isMaskDilationOn () const { return (maskDilationOn); }
+  /**
+   * \brief Sets mask activation on or off.
+   */
+  inline void switchMaskDilation () { maskDilationOn = ! maskDilationOn; }
+  /**
+   * \brief Tests the occupancy of a mask cell.
+   * @param pt Position to test in the mask.
   inline bool isFree (const Pt2i &pt) const {
     return (! mask[pt.y () * width + pt.x ()]); }
@@ -292,6 +302,8 @@ private:
   bool *mask;
   /** Flag indicating whether the occupancy mask is in use. */
   bool masking;
+  /** Flag indicating whether input points should be dilated. */
+  bool maskDilationOn;
   /** Standardized gradient threshold for highest value detection. */
   int gradientThreshold;
   /** Gradient magnitude threshold for highest value detection. */
diff --git a/Methode/ctrl.tex b/Methode/ctrl.tex
index 0c66a0e10f65cf38cd1cd7e5bfab021167cd1dce..f8abf6b414e27d2425db542ac73ef2f33df333b3 100755
--- a/Methode/ctrl.tex
+++ b/Methode/ctrl.tex
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ Ctrl-n && Commute la limitation de l'extension de la d\'etection initiale \\
 Ctrl-o && Commute la directionnalit\'e des scans \\
 Ctrl-p && Commute la d\'etection pr\'eliminaire \\
 Ctrl-q && Commute le contr\^ole dynamique des scans \\
+Ctrl-r && Commute la dilatation du masque d'occupation \\
 Ctrl-s && Commute la gestion des reprises sur interruption (1 / longueur absence) \\
 Ctrl-t && Commute l'amincissement progressif \\
 Ctrl-u && Commute l'affichage des bords des segments flous. \\