diff --git a/Code/Seg/IPOLdemo/Input/couloir.gif b/Code/Seg/IPOLdemo/Input/couloir.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9489eff401ac290ddd0f796930b747a59ec43982
Binary files /dev/null and b/Code/Seg/IPOLdemo/Input/couloir.gif differ
diff --git a/Code/Seg/IPOLdemo/mainIPOL.cpp b/Code/Seg/IPOLdemo/mainIPOL.cpp
index 377e4352d301aa57e73e8591f10caac63d2651d4..703b2ddeb08c4d19938127fcc699664ab93b9a39 100755
--- a/Code/Seg/IPOLdemo/mainIPOL.cpp
+++ b/Code/Seg/IPOLdemo/mainIPOL.cpp
@@ -4,12 +4,41 @@
 #include "bsdetector.h"
 #include "vmap.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+void usage(std::string str)
+  std::cout << str << " : something is wrong with the prog parameter (not enough parameters or something wrong)... "<< std::endl;  
 int main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  // Calcul de la carte de gradient (utilise qt)
+  if (argc < 3)
+  {
+    usage(argv[0]);
+    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+  }
+  // getting parameters:
+  // - input file
+  string input_filename = argv[1];
+  // - output file
+  string output_filename = argv[2];
+  ofstream fout;  
+  fout.open(output_filename, std::fstream::out);
+// Calcul de la carte de gradient (utilise qt)
   QImage image;
-  image.load (QString ("../couloir.gif"));
+  image.load (QString (input_filename.c_str()));
   int width = image.width ();
   int height = image.height ();
   int **tabImage = new int*[height];
@@ -30,6 +59,8 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
   detector.setMaxTrials (-1);
   detector.detectAll ();
+  fout << "# Line detection generated from " << argv[0] << "with format : X1 Y1 X2 Y2 on each line" << std::endl;
   // Affichage
   vector<BlurredSegment *> bss = detector.getBlurredSegments ();
   if (! bss.empty ())
@@ -39,22 +70,30 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
       // Affichage du premier point
       vector<Pt2i> points = (*it)->getAllPoints ();
-      cout << "BS starts from (" << points.front().x()
-           << "," << points.front().y() << ")" << endl;
+      fout <<  points.front().x() << " " << points.front().y() << " "
+                <<  points.back().x() << " " << points.back().y() << std::endl;
       // Affichage du DSS englobant
-      vector<Pt2i> bnd;
-      DigitalStraightSegment *dss = (*it)->getSegment ();
-      if (dss != NULL)
-      {
-        dss->getBounds (bnd, 0, 0, width, height);
-        cout << "DSS starts from (" << bnd.front().x()
-             << "," << bnd.front().y() << ")" << endl;
-      }
+      // vector<Pt2i> bnd;
+      // DigitalStraightSegment *dss = (*it)->getSegment ();
+      // if (dss != NULL)
+      // {
+      //   dss->getBounds (bnd, 0, 0, width, height, false);
+      //   // cout << "DSS starts from (" << bnd.front().x()
+      //   //    << "," << bnd.front().y() << ")" << endl;
+      //   auto b = bnd.begin();
+      //   for (auto &x: bnd){
+      //   cout << "DSS starts from (" << x.x()
+      //        << "," << x.y() << ")" << endl;
+      //   }
+      // }
+  fout.close();
   return (0);