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Commit babaccfa authored by Alice Brenon's avatar Alice Brenon
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Work in progress on script for lexicoscope

parent 73734174
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......@@ -9,23 +9,25 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.State (StateT(..), evalStateT)
import Data.List as List (intercalate)
--import Data.Map (toList)
import GEODE.Metadata (Contrastive(..), Entry(..), Has(..), PrimaryKey(..), type(@), formatList, groupBy, readNamedTsv, relativePath, sortBy, uid)
import GEODE.Metadata (Book, Contrastive(..), Entry(..), Has(..), PrimaryKey(..), type(@), formatList, groupBy, readNamedTsv, relativePath, sortBy, uid)
import Data.Text as Text (unpack)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (die)
import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>))
import System.Script (syntax)
import System.Script (syntax, try)
import Text.XML.HXT.Core
((>>>), ($<), ArrowXml, IOSLA(..), IOStateArrow, XmlTree, attr, mkelem, selem
, txt, writeDocument)
((>>>), (|||), ($<), ArrowXml, IOSLA(..), IOStateArrow, XmlTree, arrIO, arrIO0, arrL, attr, constL, mkelem, selem
, txt, withIndent, writeDocument)
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState.TypeDefs (Selector(..), chgS, theUserState)
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState.RunIOStateArrow (initialState)
type Article = PrimaryKey @ Entry @ Contrastive
type Serial = (Int, Int)
type WithSerial a = StateT Serial IO a
type SerialArrow a = IOStateArrow Serial () a
next :: Selector Serial Int -> IOStateArrow Serial a String
next :: Selector Serial Int -> SerialArrow String
next intSelector = IOSLA getUpdate
getUpdate state _ = pure (chgS field (+1) state, [show $ getS field state])
......@@ -37,10 +39,53 @@ pId = S {getS = fst, setS = \p (_, s) -> (p, s)}
sId :: Selector Serial Int
sId = S {getS = snd, setS = \s (p, _) -> (p, s)}
to :: FilePath -> FilePath -> (Int, [Article]) -> StateT Serial IO ()
to source target (_, tome) =
mapM_ (processArticle source target) tome
stateOfArrow :: IOStateArrow s () a -> StateT s IO ()
stateOfArrow a = StateT $ \s0 -> do
(s1, _) <- runIOSLA a (initialState s0) ()
pure ((), getS theUserState s1)
to :: FilePath -> FilePath -> (Book, [Article]) -> WithSerial ()
to source target (theBook, metadata) =
mapM_ runArrow . groupBy (tome.get) $ sortBy (rank.get) metadata
runArrow (tomeNumber, tomeArticles) = stateOfArrow $
compileTome source target (theBook, tomeNumber, tomeArticles)
compileTome ::
FilePath -> FilePath -> (Book, Int, [Article]) -> SerialArrow XmlTree
compileTome source target (theBook, tomeNumber, metadata) =
tomeXml >>> writeDocument [withIndent True] output
strTome = show tomeNumber
output = target </> (show theBook) <> "_T" <> strTome <.> ".fr.xml"
tomeXml = selem "/"
[ selem "corpus"
[ articleFrom source $< constL metadata ] ]
articleFrom :: FilePath -> Article -> SerialArrow XmlTree
articleFrom source article =
selem "doc"
[ selem "meta" [metaFrom article]
, selem "text" [loadConllu input] ]
--(formatParagraph <$> byParagraph dom) ]
input = source </> relativePath article "conllu"
loadConllu :: FilePath -> SerialArrow XmlTree
loadConllu input =
arrIO0 (parseConllu input <$> readFile input) >>> (arrIO debug ||| format)
debug msg = die $ "In file " <> input <> "\n" <> msg
format = formatParagraph $< arrL byParagraph
processArticle :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Article -> StateT Serial IO ()
processArticle source target article =
--processArticle source target a@(Article {rank}) =
......@@ -63,10 +108,10 @@ format article outputPath dom = StateT $ \s -> do
[selem "doc"
[selem "meta" [metaFrom article]
,selem "text" (formatParagraph <$> byParagraph dom)]]]
metaFrom :: ArrowXml a => Article -> a n XmlTree
metaFrom article = txt $
--metaFrom (Article {uid, tome, rank, headWord, authors, domains}) = txt $
concatMap (++ "\n")
(List.intercalate "\t" <$>
......@@ -75,13 +120,15 @@ metaFrom article = txt $
,["rank", show . rank $ get article]
,["head", Text.unpack . headWord $ get article]
,["author", Text.unpack . formatList . authors $ get article]
,["domain", Text.unpack . formatList . domains $ get article]])
,["domains", Text.unpack . formatList . domains $ get article]
,["parallel", show . ("parallel" `elem`) . subCorpus $ get article ]]
,["hydronym", show . ("hydronym" `elem`) . subCorpus $ get article ]])
formatParagraph :: Paragraph -> IOStateArrow Serial n XmlTree
formatParagraph :: Paragraph -> SerialArrow XmlTree
formatParagraph (Paragraph sents) =
mkelem "p" [attr "id" (txt . ('p':) $< next pId)] (formatSentence <$> sents)
formatSentence :: Sent -> IOStateArrow Serial n XmlTree
formatSentence :: Sent -> SerialArrow XmlTree
formatSentence s =
mkelem "s" [attr "id" (txt . ('s':) $< next sId)] [txt sentences]
......@@ -91,8 +138,8 @@ main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= cli
withSerial = (`evalStateT` (0, 0))
byTome = groupBy (tome.get) . sortBy uid
books = groupBy (book.get)
cli [sourceMeta, sourceRoot, targetRoot] =
readNamedTsv sourceMeta
>>= either die (withSerial . mapM_ (sourceRoot `to` targetRoot) . byTome)
try (readNamedTsv sourceMeta)
>>= (withSerial . mapM_ (sourceRoot `to` targetRoot) . books)
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