@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ PickSim is a gazebo-based pipeline to generate synthetic data.
Picksim can easily be downloaded and tested trought a docker container at the link : https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/guillaume0477/picksim/general or with the command "docker pull guillaume0477/picksim:v0.1" .
To make it easy for you to get started with PickSim, here's a list of recommended steps to generate example of data of the dataset FruitBin.
To facilitate your initiation with PickSim, here is a list of recommended steps to generate example data for the FruitBin dataset.
can be modify to change the number of scene generated.
You can modify the file "/opt/learn-real/ros/melodic/integration/src/s2rg/config/version/generator/Fruits_all_medium.yaml" to change the number of scenes generated.
It tould take some time to generate until the program reach the stateement : [s2rg/recorder-2] process has finished cleanly
For more personalisation, /opt/learn-real/ros/melodic/integration/src/s2rg/config/recorder.yaml
allow to change the moment when the record is effectued and which features have to be recorded, it implicitly control how many images are recorded in the scene.
For more customization, you can modify the file "/opt/learn-real/ros/melodic/integration/src/s2rg/config/recorder.yaml". This file allows you to change the timing of the recording process and specify which features should be recorded. By adjusting the settings in this file, you can control the number of images recorded in each scene.