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bsidetitem.cpp 5.9 KiB
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even's avatar
even committed
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <QtGui>
#include "bsidetitem.h"
#include "directionalscanner.h"

using namespace std;

const int BSIdetItem::DISPLAY_INTENSITY = 1;

const int BSIdetItem::MIN_SCAN = 8;

BSIdetItem::BSIdetItem (BSDetector *detector)
  margin = 5;
  resol = 4;
  width = 800;
  height = 200;

  image = NULL;
  imageWidth = 0;
  imageHeight = 0;
  gMap = NULL;

  displayItem = DISPLAY_INTENSITY;
  det = detector;
  ds = NULL;

QRectF BSIdetItem::boundingRect () const
  return QRectF (0, 0, width + 40, height + 40);

void BSIdetItem::paint (QPainter *painter,
                           const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
                           QWidget *widget)
  Q_UNUSED (option);
  Q_UNUSED (widget);

  paintStripes (painter);

void BSIdetItem::setImage (QImage *image, VMap *idata)
  this->image = image;
  this->gMap = idata;
  this->imageWidth = image->width ();
  this->imageHeight = image->height ();
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even committed
  scanp.setSize (image->width (), image->height ());
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even committed

void BSIdetItem::buildScans (Pt2i p1, Pt2i p2)
  if (ds != NULL) delete ds;

  // Updates the central scan end points for parallel display
  this->pt1 = p1;
  this->pt2 = p2;

  // Resets the idets
  rightscan.clear ();
  leftscan.clear ();
  offx = 0;
  offy = 0;

  // Gets a scan iterator
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even committed
  ds = scanp.getScanner (p1, p2);
even's avatar
even committed

  // Extracts the left scan (with central one)
  vector<Pt2i> pix;
  if (ds->first (pix) < MIN_SCAN) { delete ds; return;}
  leftscan.push_back (pix);
  int sw = pix.size ();

  bool leftScanOn = true;
  maxStripe = 0;
  while (leftScanOn)
    vector<Pt2i> scan;
    if (ds->nextOnLeft (scan) < sw - 1) leftScanOn = false;
      leftscan.push_back (scan);
      maxStripe ++;

  // Extracts the right scans
  bool rightScanOn = true;
  minStripe = 1;
  while (rightScanOn)
    vector<Pt2i> scan;
    if (ds->nextOnRight (scan) < sw - 1) rightScanOn = false;
      rightscan.push_back (scan);
      minStripe --;

void BSIdetItem::incX (int inc)
  offx += inc;

void BSIdetItem::incY (int inc)
  offy += inc;
  if (offy > 0) offy = 0;

void BSIdetItem::toggleDisplay (bool next)
  displayItem += (next ? 1 : -1);
  if (displayItem > DISPLAY_MAX) displayItem = DISPLAY_MIN;
  else if (displayItem < DISPLAY_MIN) displayItem = DISPLAY_MAX;

void BSIdetItem::paintStripes (QPainter *painter)
if (pt1.equals (pt2)) return;
  int lowpos = height - margin - resol * (offy + 1);
  int cpos = width / 2 - resol / 2 + resol * offx;
  int py = lowpos, px = cpos;
  vector <vector <Pt2i> >::iterator bigit;

  // Central scan (in yellow)
  if (leftscan.size ())
    bigit = leftscan.begin ();
    vector<Pt2i> scan = *bigit; 
    vector<Pt2i>::iterator it = scan.begin (); 
    while (py >= margin + resol && it != scan.end ())
      int col = qRed (image->pixel ((*it).x (), imageHeight - 1 - (*it).y ()));
      painter->fillRect (px, py, resol, resol,
                         QBrush (qRgb (col, col, 0)));
      it ++;
      py -= resol;

    // Left side
    px -= resol;
    bigit ++;
    while (px >= resol + 1 && bigit != leftscan.end ())
      py = lowpos;
      scan = *bigit;
      it = scan.begin ();
      while (py >= margin + resol && it != scan.end ())
        painter->fillRect (px, py, resol, resol,
          QBrush (image->pixel ((*it).x (), imageHeight - 1 - (*it).y ())));
        it ++;
        py -= resol;
      bigit ++;
      px -= resol;

  // Right side
  if (rightscan.size ())
    px = cpos + resol;
    bigit = rightscan.begin ();
    while (px <= width - margin - resol
           && bigit != rightscan.end ())
      py = lowpos;
      vector<Pt2i> scan = *bigit;
      vector<Pt2i>::iterator it = scan.begin ();
      while (py >= margin + resol && it != scan.end ())
        painter->fillRect (px, py, resol, resol,
          QBrush (image->pixel ((*it).x (), imageHeight - 1 - (*it).y ())));
        it ++;
        py -= resol;
      bigit ++;
      px += resol;

  BlurredSegment *bs = det->getBlurredSegment (BSDetector::STEP_INITIAL);
  if (bs != NULL)
//    const vector<Pt2i> *pts = bs->getLeftPoints ();
//    vector<Pt2i>::const_iterator it = pts->begin ();
//    while (it != pts->end ())
    vector<Pt2i> pts = bs->getAllPoints ();
    vector<Pt2i>::iterator it = pts.begin ();
    while (it != pts.end ())
      Pt2i pt = ds->locate (*it);
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even committed

cout << "CC PT (" << pt.x () << ", " << pt.y () << ")" << endl;
      if (pt.y () < 0) cout << "Y NEGATIF" << endl;
      if (pt.x () <= 0)
        if (-pt.x () >= (int) (leftscan.size ())) cout << "DEP LEFT" << endl;
          if ((int) ( ()).size ()) <= pt.y ())
          cout << "Y TOO FAR" << endl;
            Pt2i pini = ()).at(pt.y ());
            if (it->x () != pini.x () || it->y () != pini.y ())
              cout << "IT (" << it->x () << ", " << it->y () << ") -> ("
                   << pini.x () << ", " << pini.y () << ")" << endl;
        if (pt.x () - 1 >= (int) (rightscan.size ()))
          cout << "DEP RIGHT" << endl;
          if ((int) ( ()-1).size ()) <= pt.y ())
            cout << "Y TOO FAR" << endl;
            Pt2i pini = () - 1).at(pt.y ());
            if (it->x () != pini.x () || it->y () != pini.y ())
              cout << "IT (" << it->x () << ", " << it->y () << ") -> ("
                   << pini.x () << ", " << pini.y () << ")" << endl;

even's avatar
even committed
      int posx = cpos + resol * pt.x ();
      int posy = lowpos - resol * pt.y ();
      painter->fillRect (posx, posy, resol, resol, QBrush (Qt::blue));