even authorede4c6b36d
pt2i.h 5.74 KiB
#ifndef PT2I_H
#define PT2I_H
#include "vr2i.h"
#include "absrat.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
* @class Pt2i pt2i.h
* \brief Point in the digital plane.
* \author {P. Even}
class Pt2i
* @fn Pt2i ()
* \brief Creates a point at origin.
Pt2i ();
* @fn Pt2i (int x, int y)
* \brief Creates a point using coordinates.
* @param x X coordinate.
* @param y Y coordinate.
Pt2i (int x, int y);
* @fn Pt2i (Pt2i p)
* \brief Creates a copy of a given point.
* @param p Original.
Pt2i (const Pt2i &p);
* @fn ~Pt2i ()
* \brief Deletes the point.
~Pt2i () { }
* @fn int x ()
* \brief Returns the point abscissae.
inline int x () const
return xp;
* @fn int y ()
* \brief Returns the point ordinate.
inline int y () const
return yp;
* @fn int get (int n)
* \brief Returns the nth coordinate.
* @param n Coordinate index.
inline int get (int n) const
return (n ? yp : xp);
* @fn void set (int x, int y)
* \brief Sets the point coordinates.
* @param x New abscissae.
* @param y New ordinate.
inline void set (int x, int y)
xp = x;
yp = y;
* @fn void set (const Pt2i &p y)
* \brief Sets the point coordinates.
* @param point to recopy.
inline void set (const Pt2i &p)
xp = p.xp;
yp = p.yp;
* @fn bool equals (Pt2i p)
* \brief Checks equivalence to the given point.
* @param p the given point.
inline bool equals (Pt2i p) const
return (p.xp == xp && p.yp == yp);
* @fn int manhattan (Pt2i p)
* \brief Returns the manhattan distance to the given point.
* @param p the given point.
inline int manhattan (Pt2i p) const
return (((p.xp > xp) ? p.xp - xp : xp - p.xp)
+ ((p.yp > yp) ? p.yp - yp : yp - p.yp));
* @fn int isConnectedTo (Pt2i p)
* \brief Checks whether the point is connected (chessboard) to the given one.
* @param p the given point.
inline bool isConnectedTo (Pt2i p) const
return ((p.xp - xp <= 1) && (xp - p.xp <= 1)
&& (p.yp - yp <= 1) && (yp - p.yp <= 1));
* @fn bool colinearTo (const Point2D &p1, const Point2D &p2)
* Checks whether the point is colinear to tho other point.
* @param p1 First distinct point.
* @param p2 Second distinct point.
inline bool colinearTo (const Pt2i &p1, const Pt2i &p2) const
return ((p1.xp - xp) * (p2.yp - yp) == (p2.xp - xp) * (p1.yp - yp));
* @fn bool toLeft (const Point2D &p1, const Point2D &p2)
* Checks whether the point is to the left of the segment (p1p2).
* @param p1 Segment start point.
* @param p2 Segment end point.
inline bool toLeft (const Pt2i &p1, const Pt2i &p2) const
return ((p1.xp - xp) * (p2.yp - yp) > (p2.xp - xp) * (p1.yp - yp));
* @fn bool toLeftOrOn (const Point2D &p1, const Point2D &p2)
* Checks whether the point is to the left or on the segment (p1p2).
* @param p1 Segment start point.
* @param p2 Segment end point.
inline bool toLeftOrOn (const Pt2i &p1, const Pt2i &p2) const
return ((p1.xp - xp) * (p2.yp - yp) >= (p2.xp - xp) * (p1.yp - yp));
* @fn AbsRat triangleRationalHeight (const Pt2i &p1, const Pt2i &p2)
* \brief Returns the X/Y height of the triangle with two other points.
* @param p1 First distinct point.
* @param p2 Second distinct point.
AbsRat triangleRationalHeight (const Pt2i &p1, const Pt2i &p2) const;
* @fn AbsRat triangleXRationalHeight (const Pt2i &p1, const Pt2i &p2)
* \brief Returns the vertical height of the triangle with two other points.
* @param p1 First distinct point.
* @param p2 Second distinct point.
AbsRat triangleXRationalHeight (const Pt2i &p1, const Pt2i &p2) const;
* @fn AbsRat triangleYRationalHeight (const Pt2i &p1, const Pt2i &p2)
* \brief Returns the horizontal height of the triangle with two other points.
* @param p1 First distinct point.
* @param p2 Second distinct point.
AbsRat triangleYRationalHeight (const Pt2i &p1, const Pt2i &p2) const;
* @fn Vr2i vectorTo (Pt2i p)
* \brief Returns the discrete vector to the given point.
* @param p the given point.
Vr2i vectorTo (Pt2i p) const;
* @fn Pt2i *drawing (Pt2i p, int *n)
* \brief Returns the segment to the given point.
* @param p the given point.
* @param n size of the returned array.
Pt2i *drawing (const Pt2i p, int *n) const;
* @fn Pt2i *drawing (Pt2i p, int *n)
* \brief Fills the provided vector with the segment to the given point.
* @param line Vector of points to fill in.
* @param p Distant point.
void draw (vector<Pt2i> &line, Pt2i p) const;
* @fn Pt2i *pathTo (Pt2i p, int *n)
* \brief Returns the succession of local moves to reach the given point.
* A local move is the vector from a point to one of his neighbours.
* @param p the given point.
* @param n size of the returned array.
Pt2i *pathTo (Pt2i p, int *n) const;
* @fn bool *stepsTo (Pt2i p, int *n)
* \brief Returns the location of the steps to reach the given point.
* @param p the given point.
* @param n size of the returned array.
bool *stepsTo (Pt2i p, int *n) const;
* @fn vector<Pt2i> drawOrtho (const Pt2i p2, int offset) const
* \brief Returns the segment orthogonal to the segment to p2.
* @param p2 The distant point.
* @param offset The orthogonal offset.
vector<Pt2i> drawOrtho (const Pt2i p2, int offset) const;
/** Point abscissae. */
int xp;
/** Point ordinate. */
int yp;