Schneider Leo authored2ae9dc2d
msms_processing.py 10.21 KiB
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import json
import random
def load_data(msms_filet_path='data/msms.txt', score_treshold=70):
data = pd.read_csv(msms_filet_path, sep='\t')
data_compact = data[['Sequence', 'Length', 'Charge', 'Retention time', 'Score', 'Matches', 'Intensities']]
data_filtered = data_compact[data_compact['Score'] > score_treshold]
data_filtered = data_filtered[data_filtered['Length'] < 26]
data_filtered['Spectra'] = data_filtered.apply(lambda x: filter_intensity(x.Matches, x.Intensities), axis=1)
return data_filtered[['Sequence', 'Length', 'Charge', 'Retention time', 'Score', 'Spectra']]
def convert(l):
return [num_int for num_str in l.split() for num_int in (
lambda x: [float(x.replace('[', '').replace(']', ''))] if x.replace('.', '').replace('[', '').replace(']',
'e+', '').isdigit() else [])(
def filter_intensity(matches, int_exp):
frag_name = ['y1', 'y2', 'y3', 'y4', 'y5', 'y6', 'y7', 'y8', 'y9', 'y10', 'y11', 'y12', 'y13', 'y14', 'y15', 'y16',
'y17', 'y18', 'y19', 'y20', 'y21', 'y22', 'y23', 'y24',
'b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4', 'b5', 'b6', 'b7', 'b8', 'b9', 'b10', 'b11', 'b12', 'b13', 'b14', 'b15', 'b16',
'b17', 'b18', 'b19', 'b20', 'b21', 'b22', 'b23', 'b24',
'y1(2+)', 'y2(2+)', 'y3(2+)', 'y4(2+)', 'y5(2+)', 'y6(2+)', 'y7(2+)', 'y8(2+)', 'y9(2+)', 'y10(2+)',
'y11(2+)', 'y12(2+)', 'y13(2+)', 'y14(2+)', 'y15(2+)', 'y16(2+)',
'y17(2+)', 'y18(2+)', 'y19(2+)', 'y20(2+)', 'y21(2+)', 'y22(2+)', 'y23(2+)', 'y24(2+)',
'b1(2+)', 'b2(2+)', 'b3(2+)', 'b4(2+)', 'b5(2+)', 'b6(2+)', 'b7(2+)', 'b8(2+)', 'b9(2+)', 'b10(2+)',
'b11(2+)', 'b12(2+)', 'b13(2+)', 'b14(2+)', 'b15(2+)', 'b16(2+)',
'b17(2+)', 'b18(2+)', 'b19(2+)', 'b20(2+)', 'b21(2+)', 'b22(2+)', 'b23(2+)', 'b24(2+)',
'y1(3+)', 'y2(3+)', 'y3(3+)', 'y4(3+)', 'y5(3+)', 'y6(3+)', 'y7(3+)', 'y8(3+)', 'y9(3+)',
'y10(3+)', 'y11(3+)', 'y12(3+)', 'y13(3+)', 'y14(3+)', 'y15(3+)', 'y16(3+)', 'y17(3+)', 'y18(3+)',
'y19(3+)', 'y20(3+)', 'y21(3+)', 'y22(3+)', 'y23(3+)',
'b1(3+)', 'b2(3+)', 'b3(3+)', 'b4(3+)', 'b5(3+)', 'b6(3+)', 'b7(3+)', 'b8(3+)', 'b9(3+)', 'b10(3+)',
'b11(3+)', 'b12(3+)', 'b13(3+)', 'b14(3+)', 'b15(3+)', 'b16(3+)',
'b17(3+)', 'b18(3+)', 'b19(3+)', 'b20(3+)', 'b21(3+)', 'b22(3+)', 'b23(3+)', 'b24(3+)'
intensity = np.zeros(len(frag_name))
matches = matches.split(";")
int_exp = int_exp.split(";")
ind1 = np.where(np.isin(matches, frag_name))[0].tolist()
ind2 = np.where(np.isin(frag_name, matches))[0].tolist()
intensity[ind2] = np.array(int_exp)[ind1]
return intensity
def merge_dataset_by_name(list_names):
list_dataset = []
for name in list_names:
merged_dataset = pd.concat(list_dataset)
return merged_dataset
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def mscatter(x,y, ax=None, m=None, **kw):
import matplotlib.markers as mmarkers
ax = ax or plt.gca()
sc = ax.scatter(x,y,**kw)
if (m is not None) and (len(m)==len(x)):
paths = []
for marker in m:
if isinstance(marker, mmarkers.MarkerStyle):
marker_obj = marker
marker_obj = mmarkers.MarkerStyle(marker)
path = marker_obj.get_path().transformed(
return sc
#data gradient 10 :
# 16/01 20/01 30/01
#data gradient 3 :
# 17/01 23/01 24/01
if __name__ == '__main__':
data_1 = pd.read_pickle('database/data_DIA_16_01_aligned.pkl')
data_2 = pd.read_pickle('database/data_DIA_17_01_aligned.pkl')
data_3 = pd.read_pickle('database/data_DIA_20_01_aligned.pkl')
data_4 = pd.read_pickle('database/data_DIA_23_01_aligned.pkl')
data_5 = pd.read_pickle('database/data_DIA_24_01_aligned.pkl')
data_6 = pd.read_pickle('database/data_DIA_30_01_aligned.pkl')
data = pd.concat([data_1, data_2, data_3, data_4, data_5, data_6], ignore_index=True)
num_total = len(data)
train_size = np.floor(0.8*num_total)
train_set = []
s = 0
groups = data.groupby('Sequence')
for seq, gr in groups:
for gr in list_gr :
if s < train_size :
s+= len(gr)
else :
dataset_train = pd.concat(train_set).reset_index(drop=True)
dataset_test = pd.concat(test_set).reset_index(drop=True)
# err_rt = []
# err_spec = []
# nb_data = []
# nb_gr = []
# for i in range(0, 120, 5):
# print(i)
# data_2 = load_data('data/Custom_dataset/msmsHBM_UCGTs.txt', i)
# data_1 = load_data('data/Custom_dataset/msmsHBM_P450s.txt', i)
# data_3 = load_data('data/Custom_dataset/msmsMkBM_P450s.txt', i)
# data = pd.concat([data_1, data_2, data_3], ignore_index=True)
# groups = data.groupby('Sequence')
# avg_err = 0
# avg_cosim = 0
# nb_data.append(len(data))
# nb_gr.append(len(groups))
# for seq, gr in groups:
# mean = gr['Retention time'].mean()
# mean_spec = np.mean(gr['Spectra'], axis=0)
# cos_sim = gr['Spectra'].apply(
# lambda x: (np.dot(x, mean_spec) / (np.linalg.norm(x) * np.linalg.norm(mean_spec)))).mean()
# err = abs(gr['Retention time'] - mean).mean()
# avg_err += err * gr.shape[0]
# avg_cosim += cos_sim * gr.shape[0]
# avg_err = avg_err / data.shape[0]
# avg_cosim = avg_cosim / data.shape[0]
# err_rt.append(avg_err)
# err_spec.append(avg_cosim)
# fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2)
# axs[0, 0].scatter(range(0, 120, 5), 1 -2 * np.arccos(err_spec)/np.pi)
# axs[1, 0].scatter(range(0, 120, 5), err_rt)
# axs[0, 1].scatter(range(0, 120, 5), nb_gr)
# axs[1, 1].scatter(range(0, 120, 5), nb_data)
# axs[0, 0].set_title('spectral angle')
# axs[1, 0].set_title('avg rt err')
# axs[0, 1].set_title('nb groupes')
# axs[1, 1].set_title('nb data')
# plt.savefig('fig_data_full.png')
# data_1 = load_data('data/Custom_dataset/msms_MsBM_UGTs.txt', 55)
# data_2 = load_data('data/Custom_dataset/msmsHBM_UCGTs.txt', 55)
# data_3 = load_data('data/Custom_dataset/msmsMkBM_P450s.txt', 55)
# data = pd.concat([data_1, data_2, data_3], ignore_index=True)
# data_2 = load_data('data/Custom_dataset/msmsHBM_UCGTs.txt', 55)
# data_1 = load_data('data/Custom_dataset/msmsHBM_P450s.txt', 55)
# data_3 = load_data('data/Custom_dataset/msmsMkBM_P450s.txt', 55)
# data = pd.concat([data_1, data_2, data_3], ignore_index=True)
# data.to_csv('database/data_3_first_55.csv')
# pd.to_pickle(data,"database/data_all_type.pkl")
# data = pd.read_pickle("database/data_all_type.pkl")
# data['number comp'] = data['Spectra'].apply(lambda x: np.sum(x > 0.1))
# sizes_gr = []
# groups = data.groupby('Sequence')
# for seq, gr in groups:
# groups_2 = gr.groupby('Charge')
# for ch,gr_2 in groups_2 :
# array = np.stack(gr_2['Spectra'])
# sizes_gr.append(array.shape[0])
# if array.shape[0] > 10:
# standardized_data = (array - array.mean(axis=0)) / array.std(axis=0)
# standardized_data = np.nan_to_num(standardized_data)
# covariance_matrix = np.cov(standardized_data, ddof=1, rowvar=False, dtype=np.float32)
# eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(covariance_matrix)
# # np.argsort can only provide lowest to highest; use [::-1] to reverse the list
# order_of_importance = np.argsort(eigenvalues)[::-1]
# # utilize the sort order to sort eigenvalues and eigenvectors
# sorted_eigenvalues = eigenvalues[order_of_importance]
# sorted_eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:, order_of_importance] # sort the columns
# # use sorted_eigenvalues to ensure the explained variances correspond to the eigenvectors
# explained_variance = sorted_eigenvalues / np.sum(sorted_eigenvalues)
# k = 2 # select the number of principal components
# reduced_data = np.matmul(standardized_data, sorted_eigenvectors[:, :k]) # transform the original data
# ### Step 7: Determine the Explained Variance
# total_explained_variance = sum(explained_variance[:k])
# ### Potential Next Steps: Iterate on the Number of Principal Components
# cm = plt.cm.get_cmap('RdYlBu')
# f, ( ax3, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
# # sc = mscatter(reduced_data[:, 0], reduced_data[:, 1], ax = ax1, m = mark[gr['Charge']], s=15, c=gr['Score'], vmin=50, vmax=250, cmap=cm)
# # ax1.text(0.25, 0, total_explained_variance,
# # horizontalalignment='center',
# # verticalalignment='center',
# # transform=ax1.transAxes)
# # f.colorbar(sc, ax=ax1)
# sc2 = mscatter(reduced_data[:, 0], reduced_data[:, 1], ax = ax2, s=5, c=gr_2['number comp'],
# vmin=min(gr['number comp']), vmax=max(gr['number comp']), cmap=cm)
# f.colorbar(sc2, ax=ax2)
# sc3 = mscatter(reduced_data[:, 0], reduced_data[:, 1], ax = ax3, s=5, c=gr_2['Score'], vmin=min(gr_2['Score']), vmax=max(gr_2['Score']), cmap=cm)
# f.colorbar(sc3, ax=ax3)
# plt.savefig('fig/pca/pca_' + seq + '_' + str(ch) + '.png')
# plt.close()