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Repository with source code for "UNSUPERVISED AND ADAPTIVE PERIMETER INTRUSION DETECTOR", ICIP 2022. An open-source tool for perimeter intrusion detection with implementations of existing methods.
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Experiment Python’s import system to provide access to resources within packages.
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Matériel pour l'atelier ANF TDM 2022 "Librairies Python et Services Web pour la reconnaissance d’entités nommées et la résolution de toponymes"
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Deploy a jupyter notebook ready to follow the Fidle online training on Deep Learning.
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Guillaume Damiand / 3D-query-replace
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterProgram for the paper Query-Replace Operations for Topologically Controlled 3D Mesh Editing
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A little python project to create old school mix-CDs out of an m3u playlist
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Présentation pour le thème LIRIS outils maths autour de la robustesse des prédicats en géométrie algorithmique.
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Mathieu Loiseau / vivlio annotations
MIT LicenseA small python script to extract annotations from vivlio e-reader
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Comparision of several quasi-clique mining algorithms and their application to the DSS method.
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This project contains the PhD work from Samuel Carensac on physics-based motion control.
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A LimeSurvey theme extending Fruity, to create text questions, each associated with a specific keyboard layout.